srijeda, 18. ožujka 2015.


Godine 1934. njemački je inženjer austrijskog porijekla Ferdinand Porsche, u saradnji s tvrtkom NSU Motorenwerke AG izradio tri prototipa oznake Typ 32, što je bila osnova iz koje je uz sitne modifikacije kasnije nastala Buba. Prototip je nastao nakon direktne zapovijedi Adolfa Hitlera, koji je na otvaranju berlinske automobilske izložbe 1933. održao svoj prvi govor kao Führer, u kojem je između ostalog obećao da će uskoro svaka prosječna radnička obitelj imati automobil.

Postoje naznake da je prototip Typ 32 bio inspiriran modelom iz 1920-ih, inženjera Josefa Ganza.

Ime Volkswagen doslovno znači "narodno vozilo". Hitler je tražio od Porschea vozilo koje bi petoročlanu obitelj moglo prevesti brzinom do 100 km/h i koje ne bi koštalo preko 1000 reichsmaraka, što je bila cijena manjeg motocikla i što je prosječna porodica mogla uštedjeti u četiri godine ukoliko bi svaki tjedan ostavila sa strane 5 RM.

Dana 22. lipnja 1934. Udruženje njemačkih proizvođača automobila (RDA) potpisalo je ugovor s Porscheom o proizvodnji Volkswagena.

Porsche je trebao isporučiti tri prototipa novog automobila u roku od 10 mjeseci, za što mu je plaćeno 20.000 RM. U suradnji s tvrtkom NSU, glavni Porscheov inženjer Erwin Komenda, Porscheov sin Ferry Porsche i ekipa inženjera prionuli su izradi vozila, a glavnu im je poteškoću predstavljao Hitlerov uvjet da automobil ne smije biti skuplji od 900 RM (što je kasnije povećano na 990 RM), te su prototipovi isporučeni RDA-u tek u listopadu 1936.

Kako je prototip koristio nezadovoljavajući dvotaktni motor, koji nije uspio pogoniti automobil do zahtijevane brzine od 100 km/h, Porscheov inženjer Franz Reimspiess konstruirao je četverotaktni četverocilindrični boxer motor čiji se osnovni dizajn koristio u svim kasnijim izvedbama VW Bube.


In 1934 a German engineer Ferdinand Porsche Austrian origin, in cooperation with the company NSU Motorenwerke developed three prototypes tags Type 32, which was the basis of which, with small modifications later emerged Beetle. The prototype was created after the direct orders of Adolf Hitler, who was at the opening of the Berlin Automobile Exhibition 1933 held his first speech as the Führer, where among other things he promised that soon every average working family have a car.

There are indications that the prototype Type 32 was inspired by a model from the 1920s, engineers Josef Ganz.

Name Volkswagen literally means "national car". Hitler asked Porsche vehicle that would petoročlanu family could translate at speeds up to 100 km / h, which would not cost more than 1,000 Reichsmarks, which was the price of a small motorcycle and the average family can save in four years if every week left side 5 RM.

On 22 June 1934, the Association of German Automobile Manufacturers (RDA) signed a contract with Porsche on the production of Volkswagen.

Porsche was supposed to deliver three prototypes of a new car within 10 months, for which he was paid 20,000 RM. In cooperation with NSU, Porsche's chief engineer Erwin Komenda, Porsche's son Ferry Porsche and his team of engineers set about the preparation of the vehicle, and their main difficulty presented Hitler's requirement that the car should not be more expensive than 900 RM (which was later increased to 990 RM) and prototypes supplied RDA-in in October 1936th

As the prototype used an unsatisfactory two-stroke engine, which failed to drive the car to the required speed of 100 km / h, Porsche engineer Franz Reimspieß constructed a four-stroke four-cylinder boxer engine whose basic design used in all subsequent versions VW Beetle.

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