petak, 27. ožujka 2015.


Kako bi bolje upoznali vaše ljubimce, nudimo vam neke činjenice koje su mahom naučno utemelje.

1. Primjetili ste da pas kada je uplašen savija rep između nogu. Iako smo mislili da to radi jer pokazuje slabost, stručnjaci tvrde da on to radi da bi pokrio miris iz analnog područja. Kao što ljudi prekrivaju svoje lice kao najspecifičnije obilježje, tako psi prekirvaju ovaj dio, jer je miris koji posjeduju specifičan za svakog psa ponaosob.

2. Međutim, kada su u pitanju izrazi lica kod pasa, posmatrači-istraživači utvrdili su da ih postoji više od stotinu. Većina pasa mijenja položaj ušiju, a za ostale izraze važni su oči i položaj glave.

3. U susretu dva psa, oni obično mašu repom. Onaj koji prvi to uradi, osjeća se dominantnim ili glavnim. Nije problem ako se sretnu dva psa različitog pola, jer tada mogu da se udvaraju jedno drugom. Treba biti oprezan ako se sretnu dva psa istog pola, a nalaze se u fazi tjeranja.

4. Fraza 'slažu se kao pas i mačka', koja ima konotaciju dubokog neprijateljstva među nekim, apsolutno ne stoji. Mačke i psi znaju da budu izvanredni prijatelji, čak puno bolji nego dve mačke ili dva psa koja žive u istom stanu.

5. Istraživači su isto tako utvrdili da najmanje 63% vlasnika pasa ljubi svoje mezimce – neki ih ljube u nos, drugi u vrat, leđa, trbuh, noge, čelo, uši i ostale dijelove tijela. Ali koliko god bili omiljeni i maženi, psi u Americi postaju ljubimci drugog reda. Primat im je po prvi put još 1987. godine odnijela mačka, najčešći kućni ljubimac Amerikanaca. Zbog čega se to dogodilo, odgovora nema, ali on se možda krije i u činjenici da psi godišnje ugrizu više od milion Amerikanaca.

6. Uprkos stanju ljubavi i mržnje, odnosno nežnosti i ugriza, pse i ljude muškog pola povezuje još jedna činjenica – i jedni i drugi imaju prostatu. A stariji psi, kao i muškarci ljudskog roda, često imaju problema sa prostatom.

7. Najmanji pas na svijetu bio je jorkširski terijer iz Blekburna u Engleskoj. Sa dvije godine imao je visinu manju od sedam centimetara, dužinu od 10 centimetara, a težio je, vjerovali ili ne, samo 110 grama.

8. Čivava je najstarija pasmina psa iz Amerike.

9. Većini pasa u mraku oči blistaju tamno zelenom bojom. Manjem dijelu oči reflektuju crvenu ili narandžastu boju.

10. Prema istraživanju koje je sprovodeno od strane AAHA (American Animal hospital Assocation), čak 53% Amerikanaca na godišnji odmor sa sobom vodi i svog kućnog ljubimca, a čak 62% tih ljubimaca, po pravilu pasa i mačaka, posjeduje sopstveni odijevni predmet.

To get to know your pets, we offer you some facts which are mostly scientific based.

Notice that the first dog when frightened bent tail between his legs. Although we thought that it works because it shows weakness, experts say he's doing it to cover the smell from the anal area. As people cover their faces as most specific feature, so dogs prekirvaju this part, because the smell that possess specific to each dog individually.

2. However, when it comes to facial expressions in dogs, observers-the researchers found that there are more than a hundred. Most dogs changes the position of the ears, and the other terms are important eye and head position.

3. In the meeting of two dogs, they usually wag their tails. The first person to do so, he feels the dominant or major. Not a problem if they meet two dogs of different sex, because then I can Courting each other. One should be careful if they meet two dogs of the same sex, and are in the stage of eviction.

Fourth phrase 'agree like cats and dogs', which has connotations of deep hostility among some absolutely wrong. Cats and dogs tend to be extraordinary friends, even much better than two cats or two dogs that live in the same apartment.

5th The researchers also found that at least 63% of dog owners kissing their bees - some of them kissing in the nose, the other in the neck, back, abdomen, legs, forehead, ears and other body parts. But no matter how beloved and pampered dogs in America are becoming second-class access. Primacy of them for the first time in 1987 took the cat, the most common pet Americans. Why did this happen, there is no answer, but he might be hiding the fact that dogs bite a year more than one million Americans.

6th Despite the condition of love and hate, or tenderness and bite, dogs and humans males connects another fact - and we both have a prostate. And older dogs, as men of the human race, often have problems with the prostate.

7th smallest dog in the world was a Yorkshire Terrier from Blackburn in England. With two years had a height of less than seven inches, a length of 10 inches and weighed, believe it or not, only 110 grams.

8th Chihuahua is the oldest dog breeds in America.

9. Most of the dogs in the dark eyes shining dark green. Small part of the eyes reflect red or orange color.

10. According to the study, which was applied by the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Assocation), even 53% of Americans on vacation with you water your pet, and even 62% of these animals, as a rule, dogs and cats, has its own dress shall.

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