četvrtak, 19. ožujka 2015.


                                                   SIJAMSKA MAČKA-SIAMESE CAT

OPĆENITO: Srednje veličine, vitka mačka s dugim linijama koje je stanjuju.
TIJELO: Graciozno, dugo i vitko, osebujna kombinacija finih kostiju i mišića, ramena i kukovi nastavljaju cjevastu liniju tijela.
GLAVA: Srednja, ravna lubanja, nos dug i ravan.
UŠI: Izrazito velike, istaknute, široke u korijenu.
OČI: Bademastog oblika, srednje veličine, boja očiju je plava.
REP: Dug, tanak i sužava se.
DLAKA: Kratka, sjajna i leži uz tijelo.
BOJA: Najviše plava, bijela, krem, čokoladna i lila.
Dolaze u četiri ili više boja, ovisno o udruzi mačaka kojoj pripadate. Uglavnom se priznaju bijela, čokoladna, plava i lila boja. Tamnija boja im je na licu, ušima, nogama i repu, dok je ostatak tijela svjetlije boje. Što je hladnije vani, boja će postajati sve tamnija. Kada se tek porode oni su bijeli zbog topline majke pa im se boja razvija dok oni rastu.

Sijamska mačka – Osobine
Neke mačke izgledaju kao da predu ili govore malo glasnije. Sijamske mačke imaju talent komuniciranja, u vezi njihovih ideja i želja, sa svojim odabranim ljudima. Ako se ne možete uključiti u taj dijalog, one će također radosno držati i monolog. Njima mijaukanje nema nikakvog smisla. Neke mogu i strugati (neki bi rekli i urlikati) pa to može biti i malo neugodno.
Jako ovise o ljudima i uvijek žude za aktivnim sudjelovanjem u vašem životu. Žele vas uvijek slijediti. Mogu biti nepredvidive u svom ponašanju pa mogu ponekad biti i ravnodušne i nezainteresirane, ali to je sve normalno. Trebaju se tretirati s poštovanjem i strpljenjem i zahtijevaju puno ljubavi ako želite s njima razviti blizak odnos. Tugovat će ako previše vremena provedu same.

Sijamska mačka – Povijest
Sijamska mačka je jedna od najstarijih pasmina domaćih mačaka i ima jako dugu povijest. Ovo je vjerojatno najprepoznatljivija pasmina na svijetu. Ove elegantne mačke su nastale u Tajlandu (bivši Siam, po kome je pasmina i dobila ime) gdje su bile dragocjene članovima kraljevstva.
U ranim pričama i mitovima spominjali su sijamske mačke kao izdašne, uključujući i maštovite priče na račun njenih osobina. Jedna od takvih priča govori o tome kako je jedna sijamska mačka trebala čuvati vrijednu vazu i svetom hramu, uvila je svoj rep oko vaza i snažno se zagledala tako su joj oči ostale prekrižene. Druga priča govori kako je sijamska mačka štitila princezine prstene, čuvale se prstenje na repovima pa im je bio tako razvijen da prstenje ne može skliznuti.
Bile su opisane i prikazane u knjigama o mačkama, koja je napisana u gradu Ayudha negdje između 1350. kada je grad bio osnovan i 1767. kada je grad bio spaljen od strane osvajača. Po ilustracijama mačke su bile tankog tijela i nogu i blijede boje, a oku ušiju, na repu i nogama je imala tamniju boju. U knjizi je opisano kako su imale crvene oči, ali je to vjerojatno bilo zbog reflektiranja svijetla kada ju je fotograf slikavao.
Nitko nije siguran kada su uvezene u Veliku Britaniju. Najraniji dokumenti spominju kako je sestra britanskog konzula u Bangkoku 1884. godine dobila par sijamskih mačaka, koje je izlagala sljedeće godine u Londonu. Međutim, sijamske mačke su bile 13 godina ranije izložene u Londonu gdje su ih otpisali jer su izgledale neprirodno, kao da su ‘crna ovca’ među ostalim pasminama.
Unatoč lošem tisku, sijamske mačke su postale brzo popularne među britanskim uzgajivačima i prijateljima životinja. U to vrijeme, bile su poznate po križanim očima i uvrnutim repovima i to nije bilo pogrešno do kasnijeg vremena. Prema britanskom standardu iz 1892. godine to je bila mačka srednje veličine, ako je i teške to se ne vidi, jer bi to umanjilo njen graciozni izgled… također je odlikuje izvijen rep.
Ova pasmina je navikla na otmjene stanove plemića, navodno je prva sijamska mačka u Americi živjela u Bijeloj kući. To se često govorilo, pa čak i dokumentiralo, kako je američki konzul David Stickles dao 1878. godine sijamsku mačku gospođi Rutherford Hayes. Druga priča tvrdi kao je stigla u Ameriku 1890-te godine, a bila je dar od kralja Siama američkom prijatelju.
Sigurno su se u Ameriku premjestile početkom 1900-tih kada su se počele prikazivati u raznim emisijama. Postala je najpopularnija kratkodlaka pasmina u Americi, a u ukupnom poretku je treća najpopularnija pasmina ( s drugog mjesta ju je maknuo Maine Coon).


GENERAL: Medium-sized, slender cat with long lines is thinner.
BODY: A graceful, long and slender, distinctive combination of fine bones and muscles, shoulders and hips continue tubular line of the body.
TITLE: Medium, flat skull, nose long and straight.
Ears: Very large, prominent, wide at base.
Eyes: Almond shaped, medium size, eye color is blue.
TAIL: Long, thin and tapering.
HAIR: Short, sleek and lies close to the body.
COLOUR: Most blue, white, cream, chocolate and lilac.
They come in four or more colors, depending on the association you belong to cats. Mostly recognized white, chocolate, blue and lilac colors. The darker color is on the face, ears, legs and tail, while the rest of the body lighter color. What's cooler outside, the color will become darker. When only breed they are white due to the heat mothers and their color evolves as they grow.

Siamese - Features
Some cats seem to spin or speak a little louder. Siamese cats have the talent to communicate, about their ideas and wishes, with his chosen people. If you can not engage in this dialogue, they will also gladly keep the monologue. They meows makes no sense. Some can and scrape (some would say and screaming) so it can be a little annoying.
Strongly depend on the people and always crave for active participation in your life. They want you always to follow. They can be unpredictable in their behavior and can sometimes be indifferent and disinterested, but that's all normal. They should be treated with respect and patience and require a lot of love if you want them to develop a close relationship. Will grieve if you spend too much time alone.

Siamese cat - History
Siamese cat is one of the oldest breeds of domestic cats and has a very long history. This is probably the most recognizable breeds in the world. These elegant cats have originated in Thailand (formerly Siam, after which the breed was named) where they were valuable members of the kingdom.
In the early stories and myths mention the Siamese cat as generous, including imaginative stories on account of its properties. One of these stories tells of how one Siamese should keep valuable vase and holy temple, wrapped his tail around the vase and strongly stared so her eyes were crossed. Another story says that the Siamese protect the princess rings, kept the rings on their tails and they were so developed that the rings can not slip.
They were described and shown in the books about cats, which is written in AYUDH sometime between 1350 when the city was founded and in 1767 when the city was burned by the invaders. By illustrations cats were thin body and legs and pale colors, and eye ears, the tail and legs had a darker color. The book described how they had red eyes, but this is probably due to reflection of light when she was a photographer taking pictures.
No one is safe when they are imported to the UK. The earliest documents mentioned to the nurse British Consul in Bangkok in 1884, received a pair of Siamese cats, which is exhibited next year in London. However, Siamese cats were 13 years earlier exhibited in London where they were written off because they looked unnatural, as if they are 'black sheep' among other breeds.
Despite the bad press, a Siamese cat became quickly popular among British farmers and animal friends. At that time, they were known by the crucified eyes and twisted tails and it was not wrong to a later time. According to British standard from 1892, it was a medium sized cat, if it is severe and it can not be seen, because it would reduce its graceful appearance ... also is characterized by curved tail.
This breed is used to fancy apartments nobleman, supposedly the first Siamese cat in America lived in the White House. It has often been said, and even documented as US Consul David Stickles gave 1878 Siamese cat Mrs. Rutherford Hayes. Another story claims as she arrived in America in 1890-that year, and was a gift from the King of Siam American friend.
They must be relocated to America in the early 1900s when they began to appear on various shows. She became the most popular shorthair breed in America, and in the overall standings is the third most popular breed (with the second place it is moved Maine Coon).

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