srijeda, 6. svibnja 2015.

OKTOBERFEST U MINHENU,BAVARSKA,NJEMAČKA-FESTIVAL PIVA(Augustiner,Spaten,Löwenbräu,Paulaner,Hacker-Pschorr i Hofbräuhaus ),KOBASICA I OSTALOG-----OKTOBERFEST IN MUNICH, BAVARIA, GERMANY-BEER FESTIVAL(Augustiner,Spaten,Löwenbräu,Paulaner,Hacker-Pschorr i Hofbräuhaus ), SAUSAGE AND OTHER

Istorija Oktoberfesta

Dana 12. listopada 1810. u Münchenu vjenčali su se Princ Ludwig, kasnije Kralj Ludwig I, i Princeza Tereza od Saxonije - Hildburghausen. Građani Münchena su organizirali slavlje povodom tog događaja na velikoj poljani neposredno pored Münchena. Poljana je dobila ime Theresienwiese ili Terezino polje, u čast Princeze Tereze. Sada se to polje skraćeno zove Wiesn.

Te godine, glavni događaj je bila konjska utrka kojoj je prisustvovala i Kraljevska porodica. Sljedeće godine, također je organizirana konjska utrka povodom godišnjice vjenčanja i samim tim se uspostavlja tradicija Oktoberfesta. To više nije bio samo festival grada Münchena već cijele Bavarske.

Godine 1811. i 1812. osim konjskih trka bavarci su organizirali i poljoprivredni i stočarski sajam. Konjske utrke, koje su bile najpopularniji događaj, sada se više ne održavaju, a sajam poljoprivrede i stočarstva se organizira svake treće godine u južnom dijelu festivalskog zemljišta.

Iz godine u godinu festival se širio. Posjetioci su mogli ugasiti svoju žeđ na nekoliko malih štandova koji su prodavali pivo. 1896. godine štandovi su zamijenjeni prvim velikim pivskim šatorom u kojem su nekoliko pivovara prodavale svoja piva. Danas postoji veliki luna park i svaka pivovara ima svoj veliki šator u kojem se, osim piva, prodaje i hrana, najvise bavarske kobasice

Prvi poljoprivredni sajam održan je 1811. Trke konja - koje su bile najstariji i jedno vrijeme najpopularniji segment Oktoberfesta - više se ne održavaju, ali se poljoprivredni sajam održava i danas (svake treće godine).

Kao najveći festival na svijetu, Oktoberfest ima jak utiecaj na ekonomiju Münchena i okoline.
Oko 700 miliona € posjetioci potroše za 15-ak dana koliko traje. Najviše novca oko 225 miliona € se potroši na pivo i na hranu. Da bi osigurali nesmetani rad festivala zaposleno je oko 12.000 ljudi.

Tehnički podaci:

Površina: 0.42 km2
Broj sjedećih mjesta u halama: 94,000;
Potrošnja struje: 2.3 Miliona kWh ( 14 % od Münchenske dnevne potrošnje ili potrošnja četvoročlane obitelji za 52 godine i 4 mjeseca);
Potrošnja plina: oko 205.655 m3;
Potrošnja vode: oko 80.505 m3 ( 27 % od Münchenske dnevne potrošnje);
Smeće: oko 900 tona;
Toaleti: oko 1,440 i 17 za invalide

Statistika Oktoberfesta od 1950. do 1997.:

Godina Pivo (litre), Pilići (kom.), Svinjske kobasice (pari)

1950: 1,501,200; 88,294; 648,338;
1960: 2,875,100; 235,896; 696,630;
1970: 3,998,500; 487,570; 795,358;
1980: 3,843,800; 552,198; 287,693;
1990: 5,430,000; 750,947; 303,352;
1995: 5,016,200; 628,890; 183,504;
1996: 5,262,200; 595,580; 254,788;
1997: 5,586,100; 699,562; 210,268.

Oktoberfest 1998. godine:

Posjetitelji: 6.5 miliona;
Pivo: 5,478,200 litara + 138,300 litara bezalkoholnog piva;
Vino: 61,982 litara;
Kafa, čaj: 300,272 šoljica;
Voda, limunada: 641,490 boca;
Pilići: 603,746 kom;
Svinjske kobasice: 176,590 pari;
Riba: 14,200 kg;
Svinjske koljenice: 91,730 kom;
Volovi: 84 kom;

Pivski šatori su najbitniji objekti na Oktoberfestu. U njima se toči nekoliko vrsta piva. Uglavnom su to Lageri specijalne podvrste Oktoberfest/Märzen. Ta piva se samo toče na ovom festivalu.

Oko 1.600 ljudi-od 12.000 koji su zaposleni na Oktoberfestu - posebno je čuveno. To su konobarice koje služe pivo. One imaju izmedju 18 i 80 godina, radni dan im je neograničen, a odjednom nose i po 10 krigli piva (zapremine 1 litra!) kroz gužvu Oktoberfesta.

Specijalne atrakcije su i konobarice sa velikim grudima koje mogu nositi jako puno krigli piva. Svjetski rekord drži nekadašnja konobarica sa Oktoberfesta koja je uspjela odjednom ponijeti 22 krigle od po pola litre piva.


Oktoberfest history

On October 12, 1810 in Munich were married Prince Ludwig, later King Ludwig I and Princess Theresa of Saxony, - Hildburghausen. The citizens of Munich have organized a celebration to mark the occasion in the big field next to Munich. Polyana was named Theresienwiese or Terezino field, in honor of Princess Teresa. Now that the field is called Wiesn for short.

That year, the main event was a horse race, attended by the Royal Family. The following year, he also organized a horse race on the anniversary of the wedding and thus establishing a tradition of Oktoberfest. It was no longer just a festival of Munich but the whole of Bavaria.

In 1811 and 1812, except for the race organized by the Bavarians and agricultural and livestock fair. Horse Racing, which had been the most popular event, now no longer take place, and agriculture and livestock fair is organized every three years in the southern part of the festival area.

Year after year, the festival has expanded. Visitors were able to quench their thirst in a few small stalls that sold beer. 1896 booths have replaced the first large beer tent where several breweries sell their beer. Today there is a huge amusement park and each brewery has its own large tent in which, in addition to beer, sales of food, most of the Bavarian sausages

The first agricultural fair was held in 1811 Horse Racing - that were the oldest and one time the most popular segment of the Oktoberfest - is no longer maintained, but the agricultural fair held today (every three years).

As the largest festival in the world, Oktoberfest has a strong Influence on the economy of Munich and its surroundings.
Around € 700 million visitors spent the next 15 days that lasts. Most of the money, about € 225 million is spent on beer and food. To ensure trouble-free operation of the festival employs about 12,000 people.


Area 0.42 km2
Number of seats in the halls: 94,000;
Power consumption: 2.3 million kWh (14% of the Munich daily consumption or consumption of four families for 52 years and 4 months);
Gas consumption: approximately 205 655 m3;
Water consumption: approximately 80 505 m3 (27% of the Munich daily consumption);
Trash: about 900 tons;
Toilets: about 1,440 and 17 for disabled

Statistics Oktoberfest from 1950 to 1997 .:

Year Beer (liters), chickens (pcs.) Pork sausages (pairs)

1950: 1,501,200; 88.294; 648.338;
1960: 2,875,100; 235.896; 696.630;
1970: 3,998,500; 487.570; 795.358;
1980: 3,843,800; 552.198; 287.693;
1990: 5,430,000; 750.947; 303.352;
1995: 5,016,200; 628.890; 183.504;
1996: 5,262,200; 595.580; 254.788;
1997: 5,586,100; 699.562; 210.268.

Oktoberfest 1998:

Visitors: 6.5 million;
Beer: 5,478,200 liters + 138.300 liters of non-alcoholic beer;
Wine: 61.982 liters;
Coffee, tea: 300.272 cups;
Water, lemonade: 641.490 bottles;
Chickens: 603.746 pieces;
Pork sausages: 176.590 pairs;
Fish: 14,200 kg;
Pork shank: 91.730 pcs;
Oxen: 84 pcs;

Beer tents are the most important facilities at Oktoberfest. They are pouring several types of beer. These are mainly Bearings special flavors Oktoberfest / Märzen. This beer is only hail at this festival.

Around 1,600 people-12,000 are employed at Oktoberfest - is particularly famous. These are the waitresses serving beer. They have between 18 and 80 years, working day to them is unlimited, and suddenly carry up to 10 pints (1 liter!) Through the crowd Oktoberfest.

Special attractions are the waitresses with large breasts, which can carry a lot of pints. World record holder is a former waitress from the Oktoberfest, which is managed at once to take 22 pints of a pint of beer.


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