utorak, 26. svibnja 2015.



Krpelji su paraziti koji piju krv najčešće toplokrvnih životinja, pasa, mačaka i ljudi.Mačke iz nekog razloga privlače krpelje znatno manje nego psi.
Često prenose mnoge bolesti od kojih su neke smrtonosne,ako se ne otkriju i ne liječe! Najčešće staništa krpelja su šume, žbunovi i visoke trave. Dok se ne zabode u domaćina, krpelj je veoma malih dimenzija, svega 1 do 2 mm. Ženke krpelja koje se zabodu sisaju krv i kada se dovoljno napiju same se otkače, padaju na zemlju i polažu jaja, koja se u proljeće razvijaju u male krpelje. Što je krpelj manji on je agresivniji!
Krpelj može šetati satima po tijelu prije zabadanja i zato je bitno svakodnevno kontrolisanje psa. Omiljene zone zabadanja su dio zadnjih nogu ispod zadnjice, predio ispod vrata, predio iza ušiju i obrazi psa!

Kako se vadi krpelj?

Ideje o posipanju krpelja acetonom, benzinom, uljem, spaljivanju krpelja - ne samo da su pogrešne već su i opasne!
Naime, ukoliko krpelj osjeti bilo kakvu hemikaliju na sebi, povratiće svu krv iz sebe u psa i to zajedno sa virusom ili bakterijom, što inače ne čini!
Kada ste pronašli krpelja, ako ste ga uzbudili sačekajte minut da se smiri i otpusti svoje rilice koje je grčevito zabio u psa jer ste ga dirali prstima. Sada sa palcem i kažiprstom lijve ruke nježno uzmite kožu psa, palac i srednji prst desne ruke spojite, priđite krpelju tako da ne zgnječite, povucite od kože psa nagore, mirno i brzo.

Postoji SPECIJALNA PINCETA ZA VAĐENJE KRPELJA, koja ima rupu na vrhu i koja obuhvata krpelja oko rilica, ali ih ne dodiruje, tako da se čupa ceo krpelj.

Krpeljska bolest!?

Krpelji mogu biti nosioci oko stotinu bolesti, ali je kod pasa najčešća - piroplazmoza.
Krpelj u krv psa prenosi mikroorganizam protozou koja uništava crvena krvna zrnca (eritrocite) i izaziva anemiju. Pas je pokunjen ima visoku temperaturu i u zadnjem stadijumu, nekoliko sati pred smrt ima tamniju mokraću, a na kraju mokri krv i zanosi zadnjim delom tela. Ukoliko primjetite bilo koji simptom od gore pomenutih, psa je potrebno ODMAH odvesti kod veterinara!


Izbjegavajte šume i livade sa vlažnom i visokom travom. Nakon šetnje psa je potrebno pregledati, iščetkati gustim češljem i s vremena na vrijeme pogledati boju mokraće – tamna mokraća je prvi znak bolesti!


Kod pasa,mačaka i ljudi buhe mogu da parazitiraju bez pojave posebnih simptoma, ali u pojedinim slučajevima, uslijed pojave preosetljivosti, nastaje oboljenje kože.
Buhe djelimo na pseće, mačije i svinjske vrste buha. Pseća buha ne napada čovjeka, dok mačija i svinjska napadaju sve.
To su mali insekti, dugački od 2 do 4 mm dugački, bočno spljoštenog tijela, smeđe do crne boje. Na psu pronalaze zaštitu od hladnoće i bogat izvor potrebne hrane. Hrane se pretežno otpadnom organskom materijom – osušenim ljuspicama kože i loja, osušenim ostacima izmeta oko čmara, ali i krvlju do koje dolazi ubadajući kožu.

Iako se skoro može reći , da ne postoji pas koji nema buhe,neki psi veoma dobro podnose invaziju od nekoliko stotina buha,dok su drugi preosetljivi već na prisustvo samo jedne. Osim što izazivaju svrab kod pasa, buhe mogu dovesti i do nekih bolesti.
Poznato je da buha, probivši kožu svojim rilom, ubrizgava pod kožu slinu koja sprečava zgrušavanje krvi kojom se hrani.Ova slina može dovesti do jake alergijske reakcije u obliku neugodnih ekcema.

Razvoj od jaja do odraslog parazita se odvija na 13 do 32 °C . Ženka snese od 3 do 18 jaja i to na mjestima dalje od psa (u psećoj kućici, na prostirci na kojoj pas leži, u pukotinama parketa ili na namještaju).Tri nedelje nakon polaganja jaja, iz njih se razvijaju nove buhe koje će se odmah preseliti na psa i započeti novi ciklus razmnožavanja.
U nastanku oboljenja kože pasa,presudnu ulogu ima preosetljivost na pljuvačku buhe.Mada se može manifestovati u bilo kom uzrastu, veoma rijetko se javlja kod pasa mlađih od 6 meseci. Preosetljivost na ujed buhe kod pasa se manifestuje kao upala kože sa nastankom crvenila, čvorića i krasti i izraženim svrabom. Oštećenja se tipično nalaze na leđima u blizini korijena repa,stražnjim dijelovima zadnjih ekstremiteta, na slabinama i vratu.

Krpelji se u zadnje vreme pojavljuju tokom cijele godine,ali je proljeće i jesen vrijeme kad ih ima najviše. Njima odgovara blago vlažno i sunčano vrijeme tako da smijena lijepog vremena i kiše čini da se populacija krpelja višestruko uveća. Od ogrlica se preporučuju Skalibor,a alternativno i ogrlicu Kiltrix koju proizvodi Bayer. Jako dobro su se pokazali i spot-on preparati kao što su Front line i Adventix ali oni moraju da se stavljaju jednom mjesečno.



Ticks are parasites that suck blood usually warm-blooded animals, dogs, cats and humans.Cats for some reason attracts ticks significantly less than dogs.
Often transmitted diseases many of which are fatal if not detected and treated! The most common tick habitats are forests, bushes and tall grass. While not thrust in the host, the tick is very small, only 1 to 2 mm. Female ticks that attach themselves and suck blood when drunk alone enough to freak out, fall to the ground and lay their eggs, which develop in the spring in small ticks. What is a tick lower he is aggressive!
The tick can walk for hours through the body before sinking and it is therefore important daily control of the dog. Favorites zone insertions are part of the hind legs below the buttocks area under the door, area behind the ears and cheeks dog!

How to remove ticks?

Ideas about sanding ticks acetone, gasoline, oil, burning the tick - not just false but also dangerous!
Namely, if the tick feel any chemical on it, retain the whole blood from themselves in the dog, along with a virus or bacteria, which normally does not do!
When you find a tick, if you're excited wait a minute to calm down and put away their Rilić he frantically drove into a dog because you touched it with your fingers. Now with your thumb and forefinger lijve hands gently grab the dog's skin, thumb and middle finger of his right hand together, approach the tick so you do not mash, pull the skin of the dog up, quietly and quickly.

There are special tweezers for removing ticks, having a hole at the top and which includes ticks around proboscis, but do not touch, so that it pulls the whole tick.

Tick disease !?

Ticks can carry around a hundred diseases, but is most common in dogs - piroplasmosis.
A tick in the blood of a dog carries the microorganism protozoa that destroys red blood cells (erythrocytes) and causes anemia. The dog slunk a high temperature in the last stage, a few hours before the death of her darker urine, and at the end of the wet blood and becomes pregnant the rear of the body. If you notice any symptoms of the above, the dog must be immediately taken to a veterinarian!


Avoid woods and meadows with moist and tall grass. After walking a dog needs to be reviewed, brushed off comb from time to time to look at the color of urine - dark urine, the first sign of illness!


In dogs, cats and human fleas can parasites without the appearance of specific symptoms, but in some cases, due to sensitization, skin disease occurs.
Fleas are divided into dog, cat and pig species of fleas. Dog fleas can not attack the man, while the cat and pig attacking all.
These insects are small, long, from 2 to 4 mm long, laterally flattened body, brown to black. The dog found protection from the cold and a rich source of necessary food. The food is mostly organic waste material - dried flakes of skin and fat, dried remnants of feces around the anus, or the blood that causes stinging skin.

Although almost be said that there is a dog that does not have fleas, some dogs are very well tolerated by the invasion of hundreds of fleas, while others are already hypersensitive to the presence of only one. In addition to causing itching in dogs, fleas can lead to certain diseases.
It is known that fleas, breaking through its trunk can suck the skin, saliva is injected under the skin, which prevents blood clotting which hrani.Ova saliva can cause severe allergic reactions in the form of unpleasant eczema.

The development from egg to adult parasites takes place at 13 to 32 ° C. The female lays 3-18 eggs, and in places away from the dog (the dog house, on a mat on which the dog lay, in the cracks of parquet or furniture) .Three weeks after laying eggs, from them to develop new fleas that will be immediately move the dog and start a new cycle of reproduction.
The emergence of diseases in dogs, a crucial role is played by hypersensitivity to saliva buhe.It can manifest at any age, very rarely occurs in dogs younger than 6 months. Hypersensitivity to bite by fleas in dogs manifests itself as an inflammation of the skin with formation of redness, nodules and steal and severe itching. The damage is typically located on the back near the tail, the rear parts of the back legs, flanks and neck.

Ticks are lately appear throughout the year, but spring and autumn time when the majority. Suits them slightly moist and sunny weather so ridiculous good weather and the rain makes you tick multiple populations increase. From necklace recommended Skalibor, alternatively necklace Kiltrix produced by Bayer. Very good and proved to be a spot-on compositions, such as front line and Adventix but they need to be placed once a month.

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