Ako postoji voće neodoljivog izgleda, ugodnog mirisa i zanosnog ukusa, koje je ujedno i nadasve zdravo pa čak i ljekovito, onda je to nesumnjivo jagoda.
Jagode pripadaju porodici Rosaceae (ruže), koje na dugačkoj peteljci imaju po tri nazupčena lista.
To bobičasto voće prepuno je iznenađenja.
Tako, vjerovali ili ne, među brojnim vrstama jagoda postoje čak i žute, koje se smatraju posebnim specijalitetom, i čiji se plodovi beru sve do jeseni.
Zanimljivo je spomenuti i da su jagode jedino voće čije semenke nisu skrivene unutar ploda, nego se nalaze izvana.
Ljekovita svojstva jagode:
Ljekovita svojstva jagode poznata su još od antičkih vremena. Osim ploda, za liječenje se može koristiti korijen i lišće jagode.
Čaj od lišća jagode vjekovima se koristi kao lijek protiv probavnih smetnji, ekcema, upale grla, gripe i prehlade i u liječenju kostobolje. Čaj od lista jagode možete napraviti na takav način da 2 pune čajne kašike suhih listova jagode prelijete s 250 ml ključale vode. Nakon 15 minuta procijedite čaj. Čaj pijte 3 puta dnevno po jednu šoljicu. Taj čaj možete koristiti i za ispiranje usta.
Ujutru, uz doručak, se počastite velikom porcijom jagoda (bez dodatka šećera ili šlaga), i ujutro ćete se probuditi svježi, odmorni i puni energije za predstojeći dan.
Budući da posjeduju svojstva analgetika, uhvati li vas glavobolja, ne posežite za aspirinom. Radije pojedite činiju svježih jagoda ili ih propustite kroz sokovnik, jer za razliku od aspirina koji sadrži acetilsalicilnu kiselinu, jagode sadrže prirodne salicilate.
Takođe, zahvaljujući protivupalnim, antipiretskim i antibakterijskim svojstvima, jagode će nam poslužiti pri ublažavanju upalnih procesa, za sniženje temperature i kod mišićnih bolova.
Pored svega ovoga, odlično su sredstvo protiv opekotina.
Jagode sadrže obilje C vitamina, A vitamin, vlakna, gvožđe i folnu kiselinu koja je, između ostalog, nužna trudnicama ili ženama koje planiraju trudnoću.
Jagode je najbolje jesti sviježe. Ako se jedu nezašećerene, osvežavaju, a smeju ih jesti i dijabetičari.
Jagode mogu pomoći:
- kod oporavka nakon bolesti
- za jačanje imuniteta
- kod bolesti žući i jetre
- kao prevencija želučanih bolesti
- kod artritisa i reume
- u liječenju anemije
- kod bubrežnih kamenaca
- kod povećanog holesterola i krvnog pritiska.
Jagode za savršen izgled:
Jagodama se možete poslužiti i za uljepšavanje, što ne znači da biste se poput čuvene Madame Tallien iz Napoleonovog društvenog kruga, trebali kupati u soku načinjenom od desetak kilograma jagoda. Budući da čisti i njeguje kožu, zahvaljujući vitaminu C i A održava je glatkom i zategnutom, biće dovoljno da jednom do dvaput sedmičmo stavite na lice jagode izrezane na kolutiće, ili od njih napravite kašastu masku, koju ćete posle isprati prvo mlakom, a zatim hladnom vodom.
Ukoliko budete jagodama trljali zube uklonćete zubne naslage i zube učiniti bjeljima.
Žensku populaciju će razveseliti podatak da jagode mogu pomoći u borbi protiv celulita.Naime, vitamini C i A su antioksidansi, a oni usporavaju starenje i gubitak elastičnosti tkiva, uništavaju slobodne radikale, pa će redovno konzumiranje jagoda ubrzati cirkulaciju i pomoći u borbi protiv tog mrskog neprijatelja mnogih žena.
Ako vodite upornu bitku s viškom kilograma, razveseliti će vas vijest da jagode ubrzavaju metabolizam i smanjuju apetit, a usto su niskokalorične.
Jasno, pod uslovom da ih ne jedete posute gomilom šećera ili prelivene šlagom.
Želite li da smršate, a pritom da priuštite sebi ekstravagantan gastronomski užitak, pospite ih s malo crnog ili zelenog bibera. Probajte, bićete iznenađeni!
I najzad, u mnogih naroda širem svijeta ukorijenjeno je vjerovanje da jagoda posjeduje afrodizijačka svojstva, tako da pospješuje ljubavnu moć.
If there is a fruit irresistible looks, pleasant aroma and taste ecstatic, which is also and above all a healthy and even beneficial, then it is undoubtedly the strawberry.
Strawberries belong to the family Rosaceae (rose), which on a long stalk with three jagged leaves.
This berry is full of surprises.
So, believe it or not, among the many types of strawberries are even yellow, which are considered a particular specialty, and whose fruits are harvested until fall.
It is interesting to mention that the strawberries only fruit whose seeds are hidden inside the fruit, but there are outside.
The healing properties of berries:
The healing properties of berries have been known since ancient times. In addition to the fruit, to be used to treat the root and leaves of strawberry.
Tea made from the leaves of strawberries used for centuries as a remedy for indigestion, eczema, sore throat, colds and flu in the treatment of gout. Leaf tea strawberries you can make in such a way that two full teaspoons of dried leaves strawberries pouring 250 ml of boiling water. After 15 minutes, strain the tea. Drink the tea three times a day for one cup. This tea can be used as a mouthwash.
In the morning, at breakfast, treat yourself to a large portion of strawberries (no sugar or cream), and in the morning you will wake up fresh, relaxed and full of energy for the coming day.
Since possess analgesic properties, if you catch a headache, do not reach for the aspirin. I'd rather eat a bowl of fresh strawberries or miss through a juicer, because unlike aspirin containing aspirin, strawberries contain natural salicylates.
Also, thanks to anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti-bacterial properties, strawberries will be used in alleviating inflammatory processes, lowering temperatures and with muscle pain.
Besides all this, are excellent means against burns.
The berries contain plenty of vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, iron and folic acid, which is, among other things, necessary for pregnant women or women planning pregnancy.
Strawberry is best to eat fresh. If you eat unsweetened, updated, and should be eaten by diabetics.
Strawberries can help:
- With recovery after illness
- To strengthen immunity
- For diseases of the pancreas and liver
- The prevention of gastric diseases
- In arthritis and rheumatism
- In the treatment of anemia
- Kidney stones
- An increased cholesterol and blood pressure.
Strawberries for the perfect look:
Strawberries can be used for beautification, which does not mean to be like the famous Madame Tallien from Napoleon's social circle, you should bathe in the juice made of ten kilograms of strawberries. Because it cleans and nourishes the skin, thanks to vitamin C and A maintains a smooth and tight, it will be enough to once or twice a sedmičmo put on the face of strawberries cut into rings, or combine them into a soft mask, you will after the first rinse with warm, then cold water.
If you strawberries rubbing teeth uklonćete plaque and teeth do whiter.
The female population will be delighted by the fact that the berries can help fight celulita.Naime, vitamins C and A are antioxidants, and they slow down the aging and loss of elasticity of tissues, destroy free radicals, so regular consumption of strawberries accelerate blood circulation and help fight this hateful the enemy of many women.
If you run a persistent battle with excess weight, will cheer the news that strawberries accelerate metabolism and reduce appetite, moreover, are low in calories.
Clearly, provided that they do not eat sprinkled with sugar or topped with a bunch of whipped cream.
Do you want to lose weight, and in doing so get that extravagant gastronomic delight, sprinkle them with a little red or green pepper. Try it, you will be surprised!
Finally, in many nations the wider world is rooted in the belief that the berry has aphrodisiac properties, so it enhances the power of love.
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