subota, 9. svibnja 2015.


Spoj moderne i tradicionalne vladavine čini da je danas Maroko napredna zemlja u svakom pogledu.            
Kraljevina Maroko razdvojena je od evropskog kopna samo 15 km širokim Gibraltarskim moreuzom. To je veoma zanimljiva zemlja, sa mnogobrojnim prirodnim i društvenim kontrastima.

U istim granicama su plodne ravnice sa preko 4.000 m, visoki vrhovi Atlasa i zelene oaze usred nepregledne Sahare. Teritoriju Maroka čini 3.000 km atlantskih i preko 500 km mediteranskih obala kao i čudesni predeli na obroncima Srednjeg Atlasa, koji podsećaju na alpske pejzaže po kojima Maroko nazivaju „afrička Švajcarska“. Na čelu države nalazi se kralj Mohamed VI, naslednik slavne Alavitske dinastije, koja vlada više od 350 godina.
Pri pomenu Kazablanke u svakom čoveku sa ovih prostora bude se romantična sjećanja na istoimeni film nezaboravnih Hemfrija Bogarta i Ingrid Bergman. Danas je to veliki, užurbani grad, savremena luka i najjači ekonomski centar Maroka. Pored Kazablanke, drevni gradovi poput Rabata, Fesa, Meknesa, Marakeša i drugih, svjedoci su razvoja ove zemlje i bogatog kulturnog nasleđa.

Klima Maroka je raznolika, veliki gradovi su u zoni atlantske i mediteranske klime, sa dugim i toplim ljetima i blagim zimama. Divan je prizor u jesen kada prilazite Marakešu, gore u visovima Atlasa bijeli se sneg, a u podnožju je temperatura od 20 do 25 stepeni u toku dana.
Maroko je značajan poljoprivredni proizvođač, kao i veliki proizvođač u ribarstvu. Ipak najveće prirodne resurse čini proizvodnja fosfata (prvi su u svijetu) i antimona (u tome je Maroko drugi u svijetu). Zanatstvo je posebnost Maroka.
Ova zemlja divnih i gostoljubivih ljudi (dvije trećine ih je arapskog porijekla, a jedna berberskog), ekspanzivno razvija turizam koji u poslednjih pet godina dobija značajno mjesto u privredi.

Nagli prelazak iz Evrope u Afriku ipak je izvjestan kulturološki šok, prije svega ako postoji želja da se upozna istinski Maroko, a ne onaj koji je našminkan za turiste. Iako se u muslimanskom Maroku jasno osećaju uticaji Zapadne Evrope, duboki temelj društva postavljen je bitno drugčije, što rezultira osećajem da gotovo ništa u toj zemlji ne može biti mjereno prema našim civilizacijskim standardima.
Ako se napravi veliki krug po toj uzbudljivoj zemlji, i obiđu ne samo standardne turističke destinacije poput kraljevskih gradova Fesa, Meknesa, Marekeša, Kazablanke, glavnog grada Rabata i ruševine antičkog Volubilisa, već se krene u unutrašnjost zemlje – Maroko fascinira.
Za taj poduhvat potrebno je preći Atlasku visoravan, koja je visoka četiri hiljade metara. Lokalni običaji, način života i shvatanja, najbolje se saznaju u kontaktima sa domaćim stanovništvom.

U unutrašnjosti Maroka posebno je uzbudljivo posmatrati pješčane dine Sahare u trenucima kad se sunce diže iznad horizonta. Za razliku od velikih urbanih naselja, upravo su zabite ruralne sredine Maroka, bez mnogo turista, neuporedivo zanimljivije, jer je tamo grotlo autentičnog života i vjekovima nepromenjiv muzej ljudi.
Da biste došli u ta područja, mora se krenuti iz Marakeša prema najvišim vrhovima. Put se posle pređenih 200 kilometara po ravnici naglo sužava i vijuga na visini koja premašuje 2.000 metara. Tada počinju beskrajna bespuća gdje nema šuma već prevladavaju crvenkaste nijanse golih obronaka planina. U takvom ambijentu nikle su kućice izgrađene od blata i slame kao u prastara vremena.
Iza planinskih zaklona povremeno će vas presresti poneki čovjek mašući paketićima uz povike „Marihuana! Hašiš!“ U toj divljini može se skrenuti sa glavnog puta i ući u selo (ksar) Ait Ben-Hadu, potpuno sačuvano od bilo kakvih kulturoloških zahvata novijeg doba.
Ta naseobina odnedavno je na Uneskovoj listi svetske baštine, i najupečatljiviji je doživljaj autentičnog mjesta u Maroku. Zbog toga ne čudi činjenica da je baš u njemu snimljen film Isus iz Nazareta. Stanovništvo čine uglavnom Berberi, no lingva franka, arapski i francuski jezik, služi im da potpuno otvoreno govore o sebi i životu u tim krajevima.

Tu se može saznati da se muška i ženska deca već sa četrnaest godina razdvajaju, a brakovi se sklapaju, isključivo prema želji roditelja, samo nekoliko godina kasnije. Žene se bave isključivo kućnom radinošću i prave su umjetnice u izradi tepiha najvažnijom zanatskom djelatnošću.
Doživljaj mistično bajkovitih priča koje su utkane u drevne šare tepiha govore o željama i nadanjima tamošnjih žena, kao i opis brojnih berberskih običaja upotpunjuje izvorna muzika koja je kombinacija ritma afričkih bubnjeva i pjevanja u deliričnom zanosu neobuzdanih emocija.
Posle obilaska ovih ruralnih sredina povratak u urbani prostor gradova djeluje kao obrnuti šok povratka u civilizaciju. Objektivno gledajući, najvrednije su u Maroku medine, stari delovi gradova Fesa, Meknesa i Marakeša, pa su ta mesta i najposjećenija, jer je reč o svjetskom kulturnom blagu neprocenjive vrijednosti.
Šetnja medinom je povratak u živost srednjovekovne pijace i još uvijek živih starih zanata čiji su proizvodi predmet trgovine i obaveznog cjenkanja oko kupovine robe. Ti uski lavirinti neodoljivih bazara filigrana, kože, kristala, nakita, zlata, srebra, hrane neobičnog ukusa, voća, povrća, ribe svih vrsta, morskih plodova, slatkiša i neizmjernog obilja začina, služe istoj svrsi kao i vjekovima unazad – prodati i zaraditi.

Upravo ti lavirinti zanimljiva su prepreka turistima jer su potpuno nepravilni i krivudavi, a prostiru se na površini velikoj gotovo kao pola grada. Glavne se ulice ni po čemu ne razlikuju od sporednih niti postoje njihovi nazivi kao mogućnost orijentacije pa je vrlo velika vjerovatnoća da se čovjek kreće ukrug.
Ipak, postoji jedna preporučena taktika uspješnog i brzog izlaska iz lavirinta. Treba samo slijediti brze tokove masa ljudi. Tamo gdje ih ima najviše u pokretu obično postoji i prolaz.
U pojedinim muzejima i muslimanskim medresama moguće je vidjeti prekrasne dekoracije enterijera tipične za muslimansku kulturu. Neopisiv je sklad, živost i ljepota tih prostora.
Tu su impozantna pročelja, lijepe šarene fontane i vrtovi. Gradovi poput Kazablanke i Rabata moderna su sjedišta ali sa obiljem kulturno istorijskih spomenika.
Džamija Hasana II u Kazablanci impresivna je ne samo zbog svoje neosporne ljepote i činjenice da je to jedan od najvećih religijskih objekata na cijeloj zemaljskoj kugli, već i zbog toga što mnogo govori o društvenom uređenju, budući da je na njenu gradnju utrošeno 600 miliona dolara.
Trg Muhameda V i Ujedinjenih nacija, rezidencijalna četvrt Anfa, centralna pijaca oko koje su zgrade stare Kazablanke, biser su ovog egzotičnog grada.

Značajnu kulturno-istorijsku baštinu u Rabatu čine prelijepi trgovi i parkovi urađeni u evropskom stilu kao i mehuar, kraljevska palata, tipična za zemlje Magreba, te mauzolej Muhameda V i stara kapija Bab Ruah.
Rabat je udaljen od Volubilisa 160 km gde se nalazi najznačajniji rimski lokalitet u Maroku. Zatim slijedi put dalje do Meknesa (Volubilis–Meknes 50 km) koga zovu još i „Versaj Maroka“. Grad je u XVII vijeku utvrdio i ukrasio vladar Mulaj Ismail. Prostrani trg El Hedim, kapija Bab Mansur, najljepša kapija Maroka, zaštitni su znak ovog Carskog grada.
Slijedeća važna tačka turističkog puta je carski grad Fes (Meknes–Fes 60 km) najstariji carski grad u Maroku. Dugo je Fes, grad koji je 808. godine osnovao Idris II. bio duhovni, ekonomski i kulturni centar islamskog svijeta.
Kulturni i vjerski spomenici – medrese i džamije, svjedoci su uspona Fesa i njegove prošlosti. Medina, zapravo stari Fes, opasan zidinama, i danas kao i vjekovima prije, živi istim životom, sačuvani su stari zanati i vještine pa se kao da industrija ne postoji, tu koža još štavi ručno, zanimljivo je vidjeti radnike kako u kamenim koritima gaze kožu radi omekšavanja.

Poslednja destinacija u nizu je Marakeš (Fes–Marakeš oko 500 km). Cjelodnevno putovanje do Marakeša, sa zadržavanjem u Beni Melalu, na 625 m nadmorske visine u samom srcu Srednjeg Atlasa poseban je doživljaj ljepote.
Pogled sa stare tvrđave iznad grada, nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Odmor i zadržavanje u Ifranu, mjestu na obroncima Srednjeg Atlasa, podrazumjeva razgledanje „bisera juga“ ili još popularnije „crvenog grada“.
Velika džamija sa minaretom visokim 70 m, kutubija iz XII vijeka, grobnice Seadita, vrtovi i bazeni Menara, palata i vrtovi Bahija i El Badi melem su za oko i dušu.
Posjeta marakeškom suku, uživanje u večernjem prizoru na trgu Džama el Fna na kome se svaki dan ponavljaju čudesni prizori gutača vatre, proricanja, čitanje priča i usmeno prenošenje vijesti, kao da radio i televizija i ne postoje, te bezbroj drugih događaja koji vas zadivljuju, upućuju vas da se zapitate zar ovako nešto još postoji. Da, sve je to Maroko,a putovanje u tu zemlju pruža veliko lično zadovoljstvo i neizmjerno obogaćuje životno iskustvo.


A combination of modern and traditional rule makes that today Morocco advanced country in every respect.
The Kingdom of Morocco is separated from mainland Europe only 15 km wide Strait of Gibraltar. It is a very interesting country, with plenty of natural and social contrasts.

At the same limits are fertile plains with over 4,000 m high peaks of the Atlas and a green oasis in the middle of the vast expanse of the Sahara. The territory of Morocco makes 3,000 kilometers of Atlantic and over 500 km of Mediterranean coastline and wonderful landscapes on the slopes of the Middle Atlas, reminiscent of alpine landscapes by which Morocco called "African Switzerland". The head of state is King Mohammed VI, the successor of the famous Alavitske dynasty, which rules over 350 years.
With the mention of Casablanca in every human being from this area is the romantic memories of a film memorable Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Today it is a large, bustling city, the modern port and the strongest economic center of Morocco. Besides Casablanca, ancient cities like Rabat, Fez, Meknes, Marrakesh and other witnesses of the development of this country and its rich cultural heritage.

Air Morocco is diverse, major cities are in the area of ​​Atlantic and Mediterranean climate, with long, hot summers and mild winters. It's a beautiful scene in the fall when approaching Marrakech, the Atlas mountains in the high places of the white snow, and in the foothills of the temperature from 20 to 25 degrees during the day.
Morocco is an important agricultural producer and a major manufacturer in the fishery. Yet the greatest natural resources is the production of phosphate (the first in the world) and antimony (that is Morocco else in the world). Crafts is a specialty of Morocco.
This country is beautiful and hospitable people (two-thirds of them of Arab origin and one Berber), expansively developing a tourism which in the past five years received a significant place in the economy.

The sudden transition from Europe to Africa still has some culture shock, especially if there is a desire to get to know the true Morocco, and not one that is made up for tourists. Although the Muslim Morocco clearly feel the impact of Western Europe, a deep foundation of society is set significantly differently, resulting in a sense that almost nothing in that country can not be measured by our civilization standards.
If you make a big circle around this exciting country, and visit not only the standard tourist destinations like Royal Cities Fez, Meknes, Marekeša, Casablanca, capital of Rabat and the ancient ruins of Volubilis, but move into the interior of the country - Morocco fascinates.
For this project it is necessary to cross the Atlas plateau, which is high four thousand meters. Local customs, lifestyles and attitudes, are best learned in contact with local people.

In the interior of Morocco is particularly exciting to watch the sand dunes of the Sahara in the moments when the sun rises above the horizon. In contrast to the large urban settlements, they just rammed rural areas of Morocco without a lot of tourists, much more interesting, because there is a hatch of authentic life and ages constant museum people.
To get into these areas, must be set off from Marrakesh to the highest peaks. The road after traveled 200 kilometers on the plain suddenly narrows and winds at over 2,000 meters. Then began the endless wasteland where no noise already prevalent reddish hue bare slopes of mountains. In such an environment have sprung up houses made of mud and straw, as in ancient times.
Behind the mountain shield occasionally will intercept some guy waving packages, shouting "Marijuana! Hashish! "In that wilderness can turn off the main road and enter the village (ksar) of Ait Ben Hadu, perfectly preserved from any cultural intervention in recent times.
This settlement has recently been on the UNESCO list of world heritage, and the most memorable experience of authentic places in Morocco. Therefore it is not surprising that much in it recorded movie Jesus of Nazareth. The population is composed mainly Berbers, but lingua franca, Arabic and French, serving them completely openly about himself and life in these areas.

Here one can find out that male and female children already at fourteen separate and marriages concluded only under request of parents, a few years later. Women are engaged only in the home and a hard worker, are real artists in the making of carpets most important craft activities.
The experience of mystical fairytale stories that are woven into the ancient patterns of carpets talk about wishes and hopes of the local women, as well as a description of many Berber customs complements the original music that is a combination of the rhythm of African drums and singing in delirious ecstasy untamed emotions.
After visiting these rural areas back to towns urban space acts as a reverse shock return to civilization. Objectively speaking, the most valuable in Morocco medina, the old parts of the cities of Fez, Meknes and Marrakesh, and the seats and the most visited, because it is a world cultural treasure of priceless value.
Walk Medina is back in vibrancy medieval market and still living old crafts whose products are the subject of trade and mandatory bargaining about buying goods. These narrow labyrinths irresistible bazaar filigree, leather, crystal, jewelry, gold, silver, food unusual flavors, fruits, vegetables, fish of all kinds, seafood, sweets and immense abundance of spices, serve the same purpose as well as centuries back - to sell and make money.

It is these labyrinths are interesting obstacles for tourists because they are completely irregular and tortuous, and cover an area almost as large half of the city. The main streets are in no way different from the side or are their names as the possibility of orientation and is a very strong likelihood that the man moving around.
However, there is a recommended tactic successful and rapid exit from the maze. You should only follow rapid flows crowd. Where there is most often on the move and there is a passage.
In some museums and Muslim madrasas one can see the beautiful decorations of the interior typical of Muslim culture. Untold is harmony, liveliness and beauty of these spaces.
There are imposing facades, beautiful colorful fountains and gardens. Cities such as Casablanca and Rabat are modern seats but with an abundance of cultural and historical monuments.
Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca is impressive not only because of its undeniable beauty and the fact that it is one of the largest religious buildings around the globe, but also because it says a lot about the social order, since it is in its construction was spent 600 million dollars.
Place Mohammed V, and United Nations, residential area of ​​Anfa, a central piazza around which the buildings of the old Casablanca, the pearl of this exotic city.

An important cultural and historical heritage in Rabat, make beautiful squares and parks made in European style and mehuar, royal palace, typical of the Maghreb countries, and the Mausoleum of Mohammed V and the old gates of Bab Ruah.
Rabat is located 160 km from Volubilis where the most important Roman site in Morocco. Then follow the path continues to Meknes (Volubilis-Meknes 50 km) which is also called the "Versailles of Morocco". The town was established in the seventeenth century and decorated ruler Moulay Ismail. The spacious square El Hedim gate Bab Mansour, the most beautiful gate of Morocco, are a trademark of the Imperial city.
Another important point of tourist times the imperial city of Fes (Meknes-Fes 60 km) is the oldest imperial city in Morocco. It has long been Fes, a city that is 808 years founded by Idris II. a spiritual, economic and cultural center of the Islamic world.
Cultural and religious monuments - mosques and madrassas, witnesses the rise of Fes and its past. Medina, actually the old Fez, surrounded by walls, and today as centuries ago, living the same life, preserved traditional crafts and skills, so as that the industry does not exist, the skin is tanned by hand, it is interesting to see how workers in the stone troughs gauze skin to soften.

Last destinations in the series is Marrakech (Fes-Marrakech about 500 km). A day trip to Marrakech, and holding in Beni Mellal, at 625 m above sea level in the heart of the Middle Atlas is a unique experience of beauty.
The view from the old fortress above the town, leaves no one indifferent. Holidays and stay in Ifrane, the place on the slopes of the Middle Atlas, includes a tour of "the pearl of the South" or the ever-popular "red city".
Great Mosque with a minaret 70 meters high, La Koutoubia from the twelfth century, the tomb Seadita, gardens and pools Menara, palace and gardens of Bahia and El Badi balm for the eyes and soul.
Read Marrakesh souk, enjoy the evening scene on the square Jama el Fna, where every day repeated miraculous scenes fire eaters, divination, reading stories and oral transmission of news, as well as to radio and television and there, and countless other events that impress you, suggest you to ask yourself do something like this still exists. Yes, all this is Morocco, a trip in the country offers a lot of personal satisfaction and immensely enriching life experience.


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