četvrtak, 19. ožujka 2015.


Miris tijela i zadah mogu biti znak bolesti, tvrde znanstvenici u dvije posebne studije švedskog Instituta Karolinska i američkog Centra za osjetila Monell. Dah ljudi s dijabetesom miriše poput odstranjivača laka za nokte, dok oni s bolestima jetre mirišu na sirovu ribu.
Ljudi najčešće ne mogu nanjušiti te mirise, ali mogu prepoznati pretjerani rad imunološkog sustava. Znanstvenici vjeruju kako će mirise bolesti u budućnosti prepoznavati tzv. elektronički nosevi, a primjer jednog takvog je test disanja koji već pomaže u otkrivanju raka dojke.
Novi test disanja može otkriti rak dojke u samo 10 minuta
Tijelo svakodnevno ispušta različite mirise, no bolest ih mijenja pa tumorne stanice ispuštaju drugačije kemikalije. To rezultira i promjenom mirisa.
- Već godinama ljudi govore da u blizini pacijenata koji boluju od raka osjećaju neugodan miris. Jedna pacijentica koja je i sama bolovala od raka pluća nanjušila je rak prostate kod svog muža. Priznala je da je osjetila miris propadanja - istaknuo je dr. George Preti iz Centra za osjetila Monell.
Osim "elektroničkih noseva", psi već godinama pomažu u bržem otkrivanju raka pluća i dijabetesa. Veliki su pomaci i u otkrivanju raka jajnika, pa iako su studije tek u začetku psi s 90-postotnom točnošću mogu nanjušiti taj tip karcinoma.
Uz pse, iste sposobnosti imaju i voćne mušice, čija se ticala u blizini pacijenata koji boluju od raka drugačije ponašaju.

Kako mirišu bolesti?
Zadah oboljelih od dijabetesa miriše kao odstranjivač laka za nokte(aceton).
Miris ljudi koji imaju probleme s jetrom podsjeća na sirovu ribu.
Kod urinarnih infekcija urin miriše na amonijak.
Ljudi s rubeolom imaju miris po svježe očerupanom perju peradi.
Shizofreničarima znoj miriše na ocat.
Tifus podsjeća na miris svježe pečenog kruha.
Bolesnici sa žutom groznicom mirišu poput mesnice.
Upala limfnih čvorova miriše na ustajalo pivo.


Body odor and bad breath can be a sign of disease, say scientists in two separate studies of the Swedish Karolinska Institute and the US Centers for senses Monell. The breath of people with diabetes smells like nail polish remover, while those with liver diseases smell like raw fish.
People usually can not smell and odors, but can detect excessive immune function. Scientists believe that the smells of disease in the future to recognize the so-called. electronic noses, and an example of such a breathing test, which already helps in detecting breast cancer.
New breathing test can detect breast cancer in only 10 minutes
The body daily releases different scents, but the disease changes them and tumor cells emit different chemicals. This results in a change of smell.
- For years, people are saying that in the vicinity of patients suffering from cancer feel unpleasant odor. One patient who herself suffered from lung cancer smelled prostate cancer at her husband. She admitted that she felt the smell of decay - said dr. George Preti of the Monell Center for the senses.
In addition to "electronic noses", dogs for years help in faster detection of lung cancer and diabetes. Great progress has been in the detection of ovarian cancer, and although studies are still in their infancy dogs with 90-percent accuracy can smell this type of cancer.
With dogs, have the same abilities and fruit flies, whose tentacles near the patients suffering from cancer behave differently.

How to smell the disease?
The smell of diabetes smells like nail polish remover (acetone).
The smell of people who have liver problems reminiscent of the raw fish.
Urinary infections urine smells like ammonia.
People with rubella have a smell of freshly plucked feathers of poultry.
Schizophrenics sweat smells like vinegar.
Typhoid fever is reminiscent of the smell of freshly baked bread.
Patients with yellow fever smells like a butcher.
Inflammation of the lymph nodes smells of stale beer.

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