utorak, 24. ožujka 2015.


PEKINEZERI su vrsta malog psa, porijeklom iz Kine. Prema legendi, pekinezer je nastao iz ljubavi lava i majmunice. Ovi psi imaju dugu i plemenitu povijest kao pratitelji budističkih monarha i kineskog plemstva, a popularnost uživaju i u ostatku svijeta. Carevi su ih držali kao svoju stražu, a vjerovalo se kako svog gospodara štite i na onom svijetu, pa ih se često ubijalo nakon careve smrti kako bi mogli otići s njim na onaj svijet. Jako su suzdržani prema ljudima, a odanost i ljubav pokazuju samo gospodaru. Zahvaljujući njegovom specifičnom izgledu, duga svilenkasta dlaka i spljoštenja njuška, lako ga je prepoznati, ali zbog toga zahtijeva posebnu njegu. 

Ovaj pas ima dugačku dlaku koja se linja u velikim količinama i zahtijeva redovitu njegu. Potrebno ga je svakodnevno čistiti i četkati, a ponekad je potreban i posjet psećem frizeru na redovito kupanje i uređivanje. Zbog dugačkog i gustog krzna pekinezeri se lako pregriju, pa ih je potrebno konstantno rashlađivati u ljetnim mjesecima kako ne bi doživjeli srčani udar.
Nabori na licu trebaju se redovito čistiti i vlažiti kako bi se izbjeglo nakupljanje prljavštine i moguća infekcija. 
Pekinezer živi relativno dugo, u prosjeku 11 godina, a najčešći uzrok smrti su problemi s vitalnim organima, neurološki problemi ili zatajenje srca. Šum na srcu čest je kod pekinezera, ali se on očituje tek kada je pas u srednjoj dobi, 6 ili 7 godina, i tada ga je teže liječiti. 
Glava i lubanja pekinezera manje su od normalne veličine, njuška je kratka i spljoštena, što može stvarati probleme s disanjem.Ponekad je njuška jako kratka i nosnice uske pa je potreban kirurški zahvat kako bi se olakšalo psu. 
Izgled njihove glave pogoduje razvoju problema s očima. Iznad oka im se mogu stvoriti ranice ili čirevi, a posebno su osjetljivi na bilo kakvu traumu oka, primjerice udarac. Suhi keratitis ili keratokonjunktivitis sicca čest je kod pekinezera. To je upala oka koja obuhvaća rožnicu, konjunktivu i suzne žlijezde što kao posljedicu ima smanjenu proizvodnju suza i loše podmazivanje oka. Liječi se antibioticima za suzbijanje upale i umjetnim suzama. Progresivna retinalna atrofija je genetski nasljedna bolest kod koje se postepeno razvija sljepoća i česta je kod pekinezera. 
Pekinezeri imaju relativno dugačku kralježnicu u odnosu na noge, što može biti uzrok slabosti u leđima ili čak ozljeda ako ga se ne nosi ispravno. Kako je pekinezer mali pas uobičajeno je da ga vlasnici nose. Pri tom morate pripaziti da mu osigurate potporu na prsima i ispod abdomena. Zbog kratkih nogu ponekad imaju problema s penjanjem po stepenicama pa ih je poželjno nositi kako se ne bi ozlijedili.
Iako neki pekinezere ne smatraju idealnom pasminom zbog brige koju zahtijevaju i zdravstvenim problemima, ali ako ste spremni odvojiti vrijeme i pravilno brinuti za njega ovaj će vam pas dugo godina biti pravi prijatelj. 


Pekingese are kind of small dog, originating in China. According to legend, Pekinese was created out of love lions and monkeys. These dogs have a long and noble history as companions Buddhist monarch and Chinese nobility and popularity enjoyed by the rest of the world. Emperors kept them as their guard, and it was believed to protect its master and the hereafter, and they are often killed after the emperor's death in order to go with him to the other world. They are very skeptical towards the people and the loyalty and love show only master. Thanks to its specific appearance, long silky hair and attening muzzle, it is easy to recognize, but therefore requires special care.

This dog has long hair that is shed in large quantities and requires regular care. It needs to be cleaned daily and brush, and sometimes require a visit to the hairdresser canine to regular bathing and editing. Due to long and thick fur Pekingese easily overheat, so they need to constantly cool in the summer months to avoid a heart attack.
Wrinkles on the face should be kept clean and dampen to avoid accumulation of dirt and possible infection.
Pekingese live relatively long, on average 11 years, and the most common cause of death are problems with vital organs, neurological problems or heart failure. Heart murmur is common in the Pekingese, but he might be revealed only when the dog is in middle age, six or seven years, and then it is more difficult to treat.
Head and Skull Pekingese are smaller than normal size, the muzzle is short and flattened, which can cause problems with disanjem.Ponekad muzzle is very short and narrow nostrils and he needed surgery to facilitate dog.
The appearance of their heads favors the development of eye problems. Above the eye they can create sores or ulcers, and are particularly sensitive to any trauma of the eye, such as stroke. Dry keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis sicca is common in the Pekingese. It is an inflammation of the eye that covers the cornea, conjunctiva and lacrimal gland which results in reduced production of tears and bad lubricating eye. Treated with antibiotics for combating inflammation and artificial tears. Progressive retinal atrophy is a genetically inherited disease in which gradually develops blindness and is often found at the Pekingese.
Pekinezeri have relatively long spine in relation to the legs, which can be a cause of weakness in the back or even injury if it is not worn properly. As Pekinese small dog is common to wear owners. For this you have to be careful giving her support to the chest and abdomen below. Because of the short legs sometimes have trouble climbing the stairs so it is advisable to wear in order not to hurt yourself.
Although some Pekingese not considered an ideal breed due care required by the health problems, but if you are willing to take time and proper care of him this will help the dog for many years to be a real friend.

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