srijeda, 25. ožujka 2015.


Jeste li se ikada zapitali zbog čega one velike crvene jabuke u velikim trgovačkim lancima tako lijepo sjaje? 
Jabuka je oduvijek bila simbol zdrave prehrane, međutim postavlja se pitanje što su sve trgovine i proizvođači spremni učiniti ne bi li privukli kupce da kupuju baš njihove jabuke. Tako se na tržištu prodaju GMO jabuke pune raznih kemikalija, a sve u svrhu "poboljšanja kvalitete", kako bi bile velike i sjajne, a poznatno je da je sjaj nešto što je odvuijek privlačilo pozornost kupaca.
Ovog puta smo naišli na jabuku koja svojim sjajom zapravo odaje sasvim nešto drugo što vam možda nikada ne bi palo na pamet, a to je da su ove jabuke presvučene plastikom!
Možda su trgovci željeli biti ekonomičniji jer ono što ih najviše zanima je zapravo profit, a ono što ih manje zanima je vaše zdravlje. Plastificiranjem jabuka produžuje im se rok trajanja, ali posljedice toga se očituju na našem zdravlju, jer svi dobro znamo da ljudi ne jedu plastiku, štoviše plastika je otrovna za naše tijelo.
Razmislite gdje i koje jabuke kupujete, te da li ćete ovakve jabuke ubuduće davati vašoj djeci govoreći im da su jako zdrave i ukusne.

Have you ever wondered why those big red apples in large retail chains so nice shine?
Apple has always been a symbol of a healthy diet, but the question is what are all the shops and manufacturers are willing to do in order to attract customers to buy just their apples. Thus, the market sale of GMO apple filled with various chemicals, all in order to "improve the quality", in order to be big and bright, and is well known that the brilliance something odvuijek attracted the attention of customers.
This time we were in for an apple that its splendor actually gives quite something else that you might never have occurred to me, and that is that these apples coated with plastic!
Maybe the traders wanted to be economical because what you are most interested in is actually a profit, and what makes them less interested in your health. Apple powder coating extends their shelf life, but the consequences are reflected on our health, because we all know that people do not eat the plastic, moreover plastic is toxic to our body.
Consider where you are buying apples, and whether you like this apple in future give to your children, telling them that they are very healthy and tasty.

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