petak, 27. ožujka 2015.


Završen je Mobile World Congress, mobilni sajam na kojem su proteklih dana predstavljeni novi telefoni, tableti i satovi i na kojem je stručni žiri odabrao najbolje mobilne uređaje u 2014. godini. Nagradu za najbolji pametni telefon 2014. ponijela su dva uređaja – Appleov iPhone 6 i LG-jev G3, dok je najboljim tabletom proglašen Microsoftov Surface 3. Među telefonima predstavljenim na ovom sajmu sigurno se nalaze neki modeli koji će konkurirati za osvajanje ove nagrade za 2015. godinu, a novinari Mirrora objavili su listu top deset najboljih novih telefona s Mobile World Congressa.

1.Samsung Galaxy S6 – ovo je Samsungov top model koji bi trebao pomoći u oporavku kompanije nakon loših prošlogodišnjih rezultata. Dolazi s 5,1 inčnim ekranom, snažnim procesorom, boljom kamerom i s mogućnošću bežičnog punjenja, što je opcija koju u budućnosti možemo očekivati u sve većem broju telefona. Korisnici su ranije modele iz Galaxy S serije često kritizirali zbog plastičnog kućišta, a s ovim je modelom riješen i taj problem te S6 ima kućište napravljeno od metala i stakla.

2.Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge – ima sve opcije kao i Galaxy S6, a najveća razlika odnosi se na ekran te je ekran modela Edge zakrivljen s lijeve i desne strane. Oba modela na tržištu očekujemo tijekom travnja kada bi trebali saznati njihovu cijenu.

3.HTC One M9 – modele iz One serije krasi odličan dizajn, metalno kućište i snažan hardver pa tako One M9 ima vjerojatno najbolji procesor na tržištu (Qualcommov Snapdragon 810), odličnu stražnju kameru i prednju Ultrapixel kameru za selfije. Radi na Googleovom Androidu, a početak prodaje ovog uređaja očekujemo uskoro.

4.BlackBerry Leap – smartphone za poslovnjake koji dolazi s pet inčnim HD ekranom i radi na BlackBerry 10 operativnom sustavu putem kojeg korisnici imaju pristup velikom broju aplikacija koje rade na Androidu. Pokreće ga 1,5 GHz Qualcomm procesor, ima 2 GB RAM-a, 16 GB interne memorije i 8MP kameru.

5.LG Magna – LG je početkom godine predstavio svoj novi top model Flex 2, a dok i dalje rade na top modelu G4, na WMC-u predstavili su nekoliko modela iz srednje kategorije. Jedan od njih je i Magna, uređaj koji ima ekran rezolucije 5 inča i 8GB memorije, ali i manju cijenu u odnosu na predstavljene Samsungove Galaxyje i HTC-ov M9.

6.Microsoft Lumia 640 – još jedan cjenovno povoljan telefon koji je predstavljen na ovom sajmu. Može se pohvaliti s HD ekranom dijagonale 5 inča i 8MP kamerom, isporučivat će se Windows Phone 8,1 verzijom Microsoftovog mobilnog operativnog sustava koja će se kasnije moći nadograditi na Windows 10 za telefone.

7.Sony Xperia M4 Aqua – kao što mu to i ime kaže, ovaj Sonyjev smartphone je vodootporan i otporan na prašinu. Također ima 5 inčni HD ekran, rezolucija kamere iznosi 13MP, a na tržištu će biti dostupna i verzija s dva utora za SIM kartice.

8.Alcatel OneTouch Idol 3 – zanimljiv uređaj koji se od konkurencija razlikuje po tome što ima mikrofon i zvučnike na obje strane telefona tako da njegovim vlasnicima prilikom razgovora neće biti važno na koju je stranu telefon okrenut. Dostupan je u dvije verzije – s dijagonalom ekrana od 4,7 i 5,5 inča.

9.Kazam Tornado 552L – ova prilično nepoznata kompanija na našim prostorima na MWC-u predstavila je iznimno tanki telefon (samo 5,5mm) koji ima odličan HD ekran i kameru rezolucije 13MP.

10.Acer Liquid Jade Z – iz Acera stiže 'jeftin i pristupačan telefon' koji, kao i većina novih modela, ima ekran dijagonale 5 inča i radi na Androidu, a na Mirroru su posebno izdvojili njegovu 13MP kameru i brojne opcije za uređivanje fotografija.

Completed the Mobile World Congress, a mobile trade fair at which the last day presented new phones, tablets and watches and on which the jury chose the best mobile devices in 2014. The award for the best smartphone of 2014 brought the two devices - Apple's iPhone 6 and LG's G3, while the best tablet declared Microsoft Surface third between phones presented at this fair certainly are some models that will compete to win this award for 2015 . a year, and journalists Mirror published a list of the top ten best new phone with the Mobile World Congress.

1.Samsung Galaxy S6 - this is Samsung's top model, which should help in recovery of bad company after last year's results. It comes with 5.1 inch screen, powerful processor, better camera is the possibility of wireless charging, an option that in the future we can expect in a growing number of phone. The users are older models from the Galaxy S series is often criticized for its plastic case, as this is the model solved this problem and S6 has a casing made of metal and glass.

2.Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge - has all the options and Galaxy S6, and the biggest difference relates to the screen and the display of Edge curved to the left and right side. Both models in the market is expected in April when we should find out their prices.

3.HTC One M9 - models of One series is adorned excellent design, metal body and powerful hardware including One M9 has probably the best processor on the market (Qualcomm Snapdragon 810), excellent rear camera and front camera for Ultrapixel selfije. Runs on Google's Android, and start selling this device is expected soon.

4.BlackBerry Leap - smartphone business alike that comes with a five-inch HD display and runs on BlackBerry 10 operating system through which users have access to a large number of applications that run on Android. Powered by a 1.5 GHz Qualcomm processor, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal memory and an 8MP camera.

5.LG Magna - LG earlier this year introduced its new flagship Flex 2, and while still working on the top model G4, the WMC presented several models of medium category. One of them is Magna, a device that has a screen resolution 5-inch display and 8GB of memory, but also a lower price compared to the Samsung Galaxy presented and HTC's M9.

6.Microsoft Lumia 640 - another cost-effective product to be launched at this event. It boasts an HD screen diagonal of 5 inches and an 8MP camera, will be delivered Windows Phone 8.1 version of Microsoft's mobile operating system, which will later be able to upgrade to Windows 10 for phones.

7.Sony Xperia M4 Aqua - as you put it, and the name says, this Sony smartphone is waterproof and dustproof. It also has a 5 inch HD screen, camera resolution is 13 mPa, and the market will be available and the version with two slots for SIM cards.

8.Alcatel OneTouch Idol 3 - interesting device of competition differs in that it has a microphone and speakers on both sides of the phone to his owners during the conversation will not matter on which side of the phone facing. It is available in two versions - with a diagonal of 4.7 and 5.5 inches.

9.Kazam Tornado 552L - this fairly unknown company in our region at MWC presented the super slim phone (only 5.5mm) which has excellent HD screen and camera resolution 13 mPa.

10.Acer Liquid Jade Z - from Acer comes 'cheap and affordable phone' which, like most new models, has a diagonal of 5 inches and runs on Android, and the Mirror are particularly singled out the 13 mPa camera and a number of options for editing photos.

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