ponedjeljak, 30. ožujka 2015.


Istina o raku konačno otkrivena

Osnovni uzrok raka službeno je otkriven prije 1923., a pronalazač je 1931. za to dobio Nobelovu nagradu iz medicine. Vrlo mali broj ljudi u svijetu zna za to, jer je ta istina nažalost sakrivena od javnosti.

Godine 1931. njemački znanstvenik Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883.-1970.) primio je Nobelovu nagradu za pronalazak osnovnog uzroka raka. Dr. Warburg je otkrio da je rak rezultat anti-fiziološkog načina života.

Anti-fiziološkim načinom prehrane (pretežno hranom koja zakiseljuje) i fizičkom neaktivnošću tijelo stvara kiselu sredinu slabo opskrbljenu kisikom.

Stanična kiselost istiskuje kisik, a pomanjkanje kisika u stanicama stvara kiselu sredinu.

Dr. Warburg je rekao: “Pomanjkanje kisika i kiselost su dvije strane iste medalje: ako netko ima jedno, ima i drugo“.

Ako imate previsoku kiselost, automatski će vam nedostajati kisika u organizmu; ako vam nedostaje kisika imat ćete zakiseljen organizam. Kisela sredina je sredina bez kisika.

“Oduzmete li zdravoj stanici 35% njezinog kisika, možete je pretvoriti u stanicu raka za samo dva dana“, tvrdio je dr. Warburg.

“Sve normalne stanice imaju apsolutnu potrebu za kisikom, ali tumorske stanice mogu živjeti bez njega. To je pravilo bez iznimke”.

Tumorska su tkiva kisela, dok su zdrava alkalna

U svojem djelu “Metabolizam tumora”, dr. Warburg je pokazao da svi kancerogeni oblici ispunjavaju dva temeljna uvjeta: krvnu kiselost i hipoksiju (pomanjkanje kisika).

Otkrio je, da su tumorske stanice anaerobne (ne udišu kisik) i da ne mogu preživjeti u prisutnosti visokih koncentracija kisika.

Tumorske stanice mogu preživjeti samo uz pomoć glukoze i u sredini bez kisika.

Stoga, karcinom nije ništa drugo nego obrambeni mehanizam, koji naše stanice koriste da bi preživjele u kiseloj sredini bez prisustva kisika.

Zdrave stanice žive u alkalnoj sredini punoj kisika, koja omogućava njihovo normalno funkcioniranje. Tumorske stanice žive u kiseloj sredini siromašnoj kisikom.

Kiselost i alkalnost organizma ovisi o hrani

Nakon što je završen probavni proces, hrana, ovisno o svom nutritivnom profilu, stvara uvjete kiselosti ili alkalnosti u tijelu.

Pojednostavljeno rečeno, alkalnost organizma ovisi o tome što jedemo.

Kiselo ili alkalno stanje mjeri se PH skalom od 0 do 14, gdje je 7 neutralna zona. Od 0 do 7 je kiselo, a od 7 do 14 je alkalno.

Naše stanice, da bi mogle uspješno funkcionirati, trebaju imati lagano alkalan pH, malo iznad 7.

Kod zdravog pojedinca pH krvi nalazi se između 7,40 i 7,45.

Krv se neprestano sama regulira kako ne bi upala u metaboličku kiselost.

Međutim, neka hrana zakiseljuje krv i zagađuje tijelo.

Hrana koja zakiseljuje tijelo

* Rafinirani šećer i svi njegovi derivati. Od svih je najgori, jer nema bjelančevina, masti, vitamina ni minerala, samo rafinirane ugljikohidrate, koji škode gušterači. Njegov pH je 2,1 (veoma kiseo).

* Meso (sve vrste)

* Proizvodi životinjskog porijekla – mlijeko i sirevi, vrhnje, jogurt itd.

* Rafinirana sol

* Rafinirano brašno i svi njegovi derivati kao što su tjestenina, torte, keksi itd.

* Kruh

* Margarin

* Kofein

* Alkohol

* Duhan

* Sva industrijski prerađena i konzervirana hrana, koja sadrži konzervanse, umjetne boje, arome, stabilizatore itd.

* Antibiotici i općenito svi lijekovi

Hrana koja alkalizira

* Svo sirovo povrće. Neko je kiselo po okusu, ali u tijelu se mijenja i postaje alkalno.

* Voće. Na primjer, limun unutar tijela ima veoma visok stupanj alkalnosti. (Nemojte da vas zavara njegov veoma kiseli okus).

* Bademi. Vrlo su alkalni.

* Integralne žitarice: jedina alkalizirajuća žitarica je proso. Sve su ostale žitarice lagano kisele, no idealna prehrana treba i određeni postotak kiselosti pa valja jesti i nešto žitarica. Sve žitarice moraju se jesti kuhane.

* Med. Ima vrlo visoku alkalnost.

* Klorofil. Zelene biljke sadrže klorofil koji je veoma alkalan.

* Voda. Važna je za proizvodnju kisika. Uvijek budite dobro hidrirani, pijte vode malim gutljajima tijekom cijelog dana.

* Vježbanje. Vježbe pomažu održavati alkalnost organizma jer daju kisik cijelom tijelu. Sjedeći način života uništava život.

Kemoterapija ne liječi nego pogoršava kiselost organizma

Kemoterapija zakiseljuje tijelo do te mjere da ono mora posegnuti za alkalnim rezervama organizma, kako bi neutraliziralo kiselost žrtvujući minerale (kalcij, magnezij, kalij) ugrađene u kosti, zube, udove, nokte i kosu.

Iz tog razloga primjećujemo promjene na osobama koje primaju kemoterapiju, između ostalog i opadanje kose.

Ostali lijekovi također pogoršavaju kiselost organizma, pa ih valja izbjegavati koliko je to god moguće.

Ispravan omjer pH

Kao što je naglašeno, potpuno je nemoguće da se rak pojavi u nekoj osobi koja se zdravo hrani, pije puno čiste vode i vježba.

Da biste se ispravno hranili, osigurajte si 60% alkalnu prehranu i izbjegavajte proizvode koji su u većini kiseli, kao što su gazirana pića, slatkiši, brza hrana.

Ne zloupotrebljavajte sol te je koristite što je manje moguće.

Ako ste bolesni, idealno je da vam ishrana bude 80% alkalna.

Imate li karcinom, savjet je da alkalizirate tijelo što je više moguće. To možete postići uz pomoć prehrane, vježbe, izbjegavanja stresa i dodatnog unosa klorofila.

Mišljenja stručnjaka

“Sve takozvane prirodne smrti nisu ništa drugo nego terminalna točka zasićenosti tijela kiselošću“, – George W. Crile iz Clevelanda, jedan od najpriznatijih kirurga na svijetu.

“Nisu važna bezbrojna imena bolesti, nego činjenica da one sve proizlaze iz osnovnog uzroka: previše kiselosti u tijelu.” – Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, knjiga “Alkaliziraj ili umri” (“Alcalize or Die”):

“Povećana zakiseljenost organizma uzrok je svih degenerativnih bolesti. Ako dođe do poremećaja ravnoteže i organizam započne skladištiti kiselost i toksine u većoj mjeri nego što ih može izlučiti, onda se javljaju bolesti.” – dr. Robert O. Young.

ENGLISH (my every post has a version in English)  Read it !  

The truth about cancer finally discovered

The basic cause of cancer was officially unveiled prior to 1923, and inventor in 1931 for that won the Nobel Prize in medicine. Very few people in the world know about it, because the truth has unfortunately hidden from the public.

In 1931, German scientist Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883 1970). Received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the basic causes of cancer. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer is the result of an anti-physiological way of life.

Anti-physiological diets (with food that is acidifying) and physical inactivity body creates an acidic environment poorly oxygenated.

Cellular acidity displaces oxygen, and oxygen deficiency in the cells creates an acidic environment.

Dr. Warburg said: "The lack of oxygen and acidity are two sides of the same coin: if someone has one, has another".

If you have too high acidity, automatically will be missing oxygen in the body; if you lack oxygen you will have acidified organism. The acidic environment is an environment without oxygen.

"You take away if healthy cell 35% of its oxygen, you can convert it into a cancer cell for only two days," claimed Dr. Warburg.

"All normal cells have an absolute need for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without it. This is a rule without exception ".

Tumor tissues are acidic, while healthy alkaline

In his work "The metabolism of tumors," Dr. Warburg showed that all carcinogenic forms fulfill two basic conditions: blood acidity and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

He discovered that tumor cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and can not survive in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen.

Tumor cells can survive only with the help of glucose in the environment without oxygen.

Therefore, cancer is nothing but a defense mechanism, which our cells use to survive in an acidic environment without oxygen.

Healthy cells live in the alkaline environment full of oxygen, which enables their normal functioning. Tumor cells living in the acidic environment poor in oxygen.

Acidity and alkalinity of the body depends on the food

Having completed the process of digestion, food, depending on their nutritional profile, creates conditions of acidity or alkalinity in the body.

In simple terms, the alkalinity of the body depends on what we eat.

Acidic or alkaline condition is measured by the pH scale of 0-14, where 7 is neutral zone. From 0 to 7 is acidic, and 7 to 14 is alkaline.

Our cells that could function successfully, should have a slightly alkaline pH, slightly above the seventh

When a healthy individual and blood pH is between 7.40 and 7.45.

Blood is constantly regulates itself to prevent inflammation in the metabolic acidity.

However, some food and acidified blood pollutes the body.

Food that is acidifying the body

* Refined sugar and all its derivatives. Of all the worst, because there is no protein, fat, vitamins, minerals not only refined carbohydrates, which damages the pancreas. Its pH was 2.1 (very acidic).

* Meat (all types)

* Animal products - milk and cheese, cream, yogurt etc.

* Refined salt

* Refined flour and all its derivatives such as pasta, cakes, biscuits and so on.

* Bread

* Margarine

* Caffeine

* Alcohol

* Tobacco

* All industrially processed and canned foods, which contain preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, stabilizers, etc.

* Antibiotics and generally all drugs

Foods that alkalizes

* All raw vegetables. Someone is sour in taste, but in the body changes and becomes alkaline.

* Fruit. For example, lemon inside the body has a very high degree of alkalinity. (Do not be fooled by its very sour taste).

* Almonds. They are very alkaline.

* Whole grains: the only alkalizing grain is millet. All other grains slightly acidic, but the ideal diet should be a certain percentage of acidity and should eat and some crops. All grains should be eaten cooked.

* Med. It has a very high alkalinity.

* Chlorophyll. Green plants contain chlorophyll which is very alkaline.

* Water. It is important for the production of oxygen. Always stay well hydrated, drink small sips of water throughout the day.

* Exercise. Exercises help maintain the alkalinity of the body because they give oxygen throughout the body. Sedentary lifestyles destroys life.

Chemotherapy does not cure but worsens the acidity of the body

Chemotherapy is acidifying the body to the extent that it has to resort to alkaline reserve of the body, in order to neutralize the acidity of sacrificing minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) embedded in bones, teeth, limbs, nails and hair.

For this reason, we notice changes in people receiving chemotherapy, including hair loss.

Other drugs may also worsen the acidity of the body, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

The correct ratio pH

As pointed out, it is quite impossible that the cancer appears in a person who is healthy food, drinking plenty of pure water and exercise.

To be properly fed, make sure you 60% alkaline diet and avoid products that are in the most acidic, such as fizzy drinks, sweets, fast food.

Do not abuse the salt and use as little as possible.

If you are sick, it is ideal that you eat a 80% alkaline.

Do you have cancer, the advice is to alkalize the body as possible. You can accomplish this with the help of diet, exercise, avoiding stress and additional entries chlorophyll.

Expert opinions

"All the so-called natural death are nothing but the terminal point of saturation, body acidity" - George W. Crile of Cleveland, one of the most surgeons in the world.

"Not important countless names of diseases, but the fact that they all stem from the basic cause: too much acidity in the body." - Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, book "Alkaliziraj or die" ("alcaliz or Die"):

"Increased acidification of the body is the cause of all degenerative diseases. If there is a balance disorder and the body begins to store toxins and acidity to a greater extent than they can excrete, then occurring diseases. "- Dr. Robert O. Young.


Sada ću napisati par riječi o prelijepom otočkom gradu Malom Lošinju u Hrvatskoj.

Mali Lošinj najveće je naselje na otoku i jadranskim otocima te sa 7 000 stanovnika najveći otočni grad na Jadranu. Značajna je nautička luka jer se nalazi na plovnom putu između Istre i Dalmacije te jedan od glavnih turističkih i pomorskih centara na hrvatskom Jadranu.

Zdravstveni učinci otočne klime, toplo more, prekrasne uvale i izvrsna infrastruktura svrstavaju ga na sam vrh europske turističke ljestvice. Posebno čist i aromatičan zrak ima ljekovite učinke na dišne organe, stoga turisti ovdje rado borave tijekom cijele godine.

U otočkom miomirisnom vrtu posjetitelji se mogu upoznati s bogatom florom otoka, a kroz Park šumu Čikat prolazi nekoliko atraktivnih šetališta. Lošinjski Apoksiomen, brončani kip iz 1.-2. st. pronađen u moru kraj Lošinja, i trajno je izložen u muzeju palače Kvarner.

Jedna od najljepših, najsunčanijih i najčišćih plaža Malog Lošinja je Sunčana uvala, uz koju se u borovoj šumi nalaze hoteli, prekrasne pješačke i jogging staze. Lošinjski arhipelag čuven je po delfinima koji ovdje rado borave, pa se čak mogu i „posvojiti“.

Uz sve navedeno priložit ću i fotografije u kojima možete zaista uživati. Posjetite što prije ovaj otok jer zaista vrijedi i istinski uživajte u svim čarima otoka Mali Lošinj.

Now I will write a few words about the beautiful island town of Mali Losinj in Croatia.

Mali Lošinj is the largest settlement on the island and the Adriatic islands, and with a 7000 population of the largest city on the Adriatic. Significant nautical port because it is located on the waterway between Istria and Dalmatia, and one of the main tourist and maritime centers in the Croatian Adriatic.

Health effects of the climate, warm sea, beautiful bays and excellent infrastructure put it at the top of European tourism scale. Very clean and aromatic air has healing effects on the respiratory system, so visitors like to stay here all year round.

In the islands fragrant gardens, visitors can learn about the rich flora of the island, and through the forest park Čikat there are several attractive promenades. Losinjski Manora, bronze statue from first to second c. found in the sea near Lošinj, and is permanently on display at the museum palace Kvarner.

One of the most beautiful, sunny and cleanest beaches in Mali Losinj is Sunny Beach, next to a pine forest in the hotels, beautiful walking and jogging paths. Lošinj archipelago is famous for its dolphins who like to stay here, and can even "adopt".

Additionally I will enclose and photos in which you can really enjoy. Visit as soon as possible because this island is really worth and truly enjoy all the charms of the island of Lošinj.

nedjelja, 29. ožujka 2015.


Norveška – zemlja Vikinga, srednjovjekovnih snaga i mitova, do pola okovana snijegom i ledom, te najsjevernija naseljena zemlja u Evropi.

Ako se želite osviježiti od ljetnih vrućina svakako posjetite Norvešku u ljetnim mjesecima, kada je tamo ugodnih 22-25 stepeni celzijevih. Pružit će vam ugodniji obilazak zemlje. Ako ste pak ljubitelj skijanja i snijega Norveška je svakako zemlja za vas gotovo cjele godine.


 Oslo će vas naprosto očarati jer ga krase velike i široke ulice, puno trgova u zelenilu, velikih i malih fontana, parkova, čak i jezera i slapova na kojima vam je dozvoljeno hraniti patke i ostale vrste ptica. Usred takvog jednog velikog parka se nalazi i "kućica od čokolade" poput onih iz priče o "Ivici i Marici" gdje svaki dan možete doći na kolače. Arhitektura grada je zanimljiva samim skladom starih i novih zgrada. U glavnoj ulici Karl Johans vidjet ćete Nacionalno kazalište, Nacionalnu galeriju, Parlament, Kraljevu palaču. U ulici Aker Brygge, koja je dobila ime po rijeci Aker nalazi se muzej Nobelove nagrade za mir, kao i glavna zgrada gdje se godinama svečano dodjeljuje Nobelova nagrada za mir. Volite li muzeje došli ste na pravo mjesto, jer je grad Oslo prepun muzeja, danima ih možete obilaziti, a u istima kupiti posebne suvenire. Svakako posjetite muzej slikara Edvarda Muncha, i jedan od najljepših parkova kipara Gustava Vigelanda, Vigeland park.


More i fjordovi su vijekovima imali veliku ulogu za život stanovništva, pa se tako i industrija razvila u tom smjeru – nafta, prirodni plin, drvna industrija, energetika, ribarstvo. Norveška je time postala jedna od najbogatijih i najrazvijenijih zemalja svijeta. Pronalaskom nafte i zemljinog plina ranih 60-tih godina u Norveškim teritorijalnim
vodama, potpuno se promjenila ekonomska slika te zemlje. Danas im je glavna zadaća zadržati najveći osobni standard u Evropi i planirati što činiti kada iscrpe rezerve prirodnih energenata. Imaju visoke plate, a kod Norvežana nema Božićnice,ali su zato u decembru oslobođeni poreza tako da im je jeftinjie kupovati darove za Božić. Do praznika
jako drže i međusobno se puno daruju, posebnost večine poklona je u tome što ih sami izrađuju od raznih materijala, tkanine, papira.


Nacionalna valuta je Kruna.S obzirom na visok standard zemlje turistima se boravak čini poprilično skup, zato ponesite dosta novca. Na primjer za jedan hamburger ćete morati izdvojiti i do dvijesto kruna, dok ćete u istoj vrijednosti moći kupiti hlače, cipele ili neki drugi odjevni predmet. Tako da preporučujem šoping ako želite obnoviti garderobu. Idealna mjesta za to su Aker Brygge, Oslo City i By Porten. Alkohol je najskuplji od svih stavki jer je to ujedno i način države da smanji alkoholizam, a mora se priznati da su uspjeli u tome.


Cijela zemlja obiluje kristalno čistim slapovima, glečerima i fjordovima koji oduzimaju dah, a predivna mogućnost je promatranje kitova u njihovom prirodnom okolišu. Norveška se još naziva i "zemlja 1000 fjordova", ima najnepristupačniju i najrazvedeniju obalu na svijetu. Ima što većih, što manjih, oko 50000 otoka.

Krenete li zapadom doći ćete do Geirangera – najvećeg fjorda koji dolaze vidjeti većina turista i to uglavnom brodom koji polazi iz grada Alesunda, a atraktivan je zbog slapova koje su iz davnina nazvali "prosac i sedam sestara". Osim mogućnosti brodom predivan pogled na cijeli Geiranger ćete imati i ako se popnete upravo iznad njega samog gdje je napravljen vidikovac.

Popularni glečeri su i Briksdal, Sogn, Fjordane, a najveći glečer zvan Jostedal dugačak je 74 km i ima površinu 480 kvadratnih kilometara. Ako ste raspoloženi za pravi odmor, daleko od civilizacije možete iznajmiti drvene kućice na predivnim fjordovima gdje vas ujutro budi pogled na igru kitova .


Većina stanovništva zbog posla živi u velikim gradovima poput Osla, Bergena, Trondheima, Alesunda, pa koriste vikende i praznike za odlazak svojim obiteljima i prijateljima u unutrašnjosti zemlje gdje preovladava seoski život. Jedna od takvih regija je i Lyabigda gdje možete vidjeti privatne farme koje drže obitelji, a zakon je takav da
najstariji sin nasljeđuje od svojeg oca farmu kada navrši punoljetnost tj. osamnaest godina. Ono što će vas ugodno iznenaditi kada dođete na jednu od takvih privatnih farmi jest čistoća tj. održavanje i higijena životinja i prostora u kojima iste žive. Vlasnici mnogo rade na farmi, no uz taj posao nije rijedak slučaj da imaju i još jedan posao u državnim službama.


Norveška je poznata po Vikinzima koji nisu samo poznati po ratu, već su bili odlični trgovci i svoju kulturu su prenosili u druge zemlje, a dokaz toga su ostaci njihovih brodova, nakit i crkve pod nazivom Stave Church. Zanimljiv je izgled crkava, cijele su od drveta izvana i iznutra, a oko 2000 ih je izgrađeno između 1150 g. i 1350 g. Nastale su u doba kada je Norveška tek prisvojila rano kršćanstvo, a pošto su ljudi bili pod utjecajem Vikinga na krovovima crkava se mogu vidjeti zmajevi, torov čekić na ulazu. Danas se u tim crkvama ne održavaju mise već su otvorene samo radi turista i naplaćuje se ulaz. U svakom slučaju izgledaju bajkovito i od prve vas ostavljaju bez daha, skrivaju nešto tajnovito i magično svojim izgledom.


Jedan od najljepših gradova u Norveškoj svakako je grad Alesund poznat kao "Venecija na sjeveru". Alesund je zahvatio golem požar 1904 g., a pošto su kuće bile od drveta cijeli grad je izgorio do temelja, no ubrzo se grad izdigao poput Feniksa i danas je s oko 38000 ljudi vrlo razvijen i bogat grad. Iznad grada se nalazi velik vidikovac sa restoranom, kafićem i suvenirnicom gdje se pruža čaroban pogled na cijeli grad i njegovu okolicu. Postavljeni su i panoramski dalekozori pa možete izbliza pratiti život grada.


Jedan od razloga dolaska u Norvešku svakako je Nordkapp u regiji Finmark. Nalazi se na najsjevernijem dijelu Evrope i ako ste strpljivi tamo ćete doživjeti pravu polarnu svjetlost. Nordkapp se nalazi na planini, na 300 metara nadmorske visine što mu daje i prelijep pogled na more. Stijena na kojoj se nalazi Nordkapp vijekovima je imala funkciju navigacije mornarima, a danas služi turistima za fotografisanje, te mogu uživati u izgrađenom kompleksu koji se sastoji od restorana, barova i naravno suvenirnice gdje možete kupiti razne figure poput Trolova, Sobova, te odijevne predmete od vune koji će vas u zimskim mjesecima grijati i podsjećati na zemlju u koju ćete se sigurno željeti vratiti.


Hrana je bazirana uglavnom na ribi, većinom losos na razne načine, kao specijalitet će vam ponuditi smeđi sir, pečenu ovčiju glavu i pravu seljačku hranu zvanu "romme grot" kašasto jelo nalik krupici s vrhnjem, posipana cimetom u prahu, šećerom i sušenim grožđicama.


Vrijeme se tijekom dana mijenja pa tako i temperatura, zato je najbolje biti slojevito obučen i preporuka da imate pored sebe u torbi kišobran. Kiša zna padati i po sedam dana neprekidno, a začuđujuće je da se to dešava i usred ljeta, pa samim time se spusti temperatura te vam se čini kao da je jesen.

Umjerena klima, lagani i vlažni jugozapadni vjetrovi pružaju pogodnost u stvaranju vegetacije. U južnoj Norveškoj šume mogu rasti do 800 metara nadmorske visine, a najveće planine dosežu do 2000 metara nadmorske visine, te na njima leži snijeg i glečeri koji postoje od ledenog doba.

Norway - land of the Vikings, medieval power and myths, half-bound in snow and ice, and the northernmost populated country in Europe.

If you want to refresh from the heat of summer be sure to visit Norway in the summer months, when there is a pleasant 22-25 degrees Celsius. Will give you a pleasant tour of the country. If you prefer skiing and snow Norway is certainly a country for you almost the whole year.


 Oslo will simply enchant because it is decorated with large and wide streets, many squares in the green, large and small fountains, parks, and even lakes and waterfalls where you are allowed to feed ducks and other bird species. In the midst of such a large park there is a "house of chocolate," such as those from the story of "Hansel and Gretel" where every day you can get on the cake. The architecture of the city is interesting therefore harmony of old and new buildings. In the main street, Karl Johans you will see the National Theatre, the National Gallery, Parliament, the King's palace. The street Aker Brygge, which is named after the river Aker there is a museum of the Nobel Peace Prize, as well as the main building where for years officially awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Do you like museums, you've come to the right place, because it is a city full of Oslo museum, you can visit them for days, and in the same buy special souvenirs. Be sure to visit the museum of the painter Edvard Munch, and one of the most beautiful parks of the sculptor Gustav Vigeland, Vigeland Park.


More and fjords have for centuries played an important role in the life of the population, so that the industry has developed in this direction - oil, natural gas, wood, energy, fisheries. Norway thus became one of the richest and most developed countries. By finding oil and gas earth's early 60-ies in the Norwegian territorial
water, completely changed the economic picture of the country. Today, their main task is to maintain the highest personal standards in Europe and to plan what to do when exhausted reserves of natural energy. They have high salaries, and for Norwegians no Christmas bonus, but they are exempt from tax in December so that they jeftinjie buy gifts for Christmas. By holidays
strong hold and each other a lot donate, the majority of specialty gifts is that they themselves are made of different materials, fabrics, paper.


The national currency is Kruna.S given the high standard of the country to tourists to stay seems quite expensive, so bring plenty of money. For example for a burger you will have to set aside up to two hundred crowns, while in the same values ​​be able to buy pants, shoes or other clothing item. So I recommend shopping if you want to renew the wardrobe. The ideal place for this are Aker Brygge, Oslo City and By Porten. Alcohol is the most expensive of all the items because it is also the way the state to reduce alcoholism, and it must be admitted that they have succeeded in doing so.


The whole country is abundant in crystal clear waterfalls, glaciers and fjords breathtaking and beautiful option is whale watching in their natural environment. Norway is also called "the land of fjords in 1000", has najnepristupačniju and most indented coastline in the world. Has it longer or shorter, around 50,000 islands.

If you go west you'll come to Geiranger - the largest fjord coming to see most of the tourists, mostly by boat, which departs from the city of Ålesund, and is attractive for its waterfalls that are from ancient times called "suitor and seven sisters". Besides the possibility of boat beautiful view of Geiranger you will have if you climb just above himself where he made a lookout.

Popular glaciers and Briksdal, Sogn, Fjordane, and the largest glacier called Jostedal is 74 km long and has an area of ​​480 square kilometers. If you're in the mood for a real vacation, away from civilization, you can rent the chalet on a beautiful fjords morning you will be watch the whales.


Most of the population lives because of work in large cities like Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Ålesund, so use weekends and holidays to leave their families and friends in the interior of the country with a predominant rural life. One such region is the Lyabigda where you can see private farms run by families, and the law is such that
the eldest son inherits from his father's farm when he reaches the age of majority, ie. eighteen. What will surprise you when you come to one of these private farms is purity ie. maintenance and hygiene of animals and premises in which such communities. Owners lot of work on the farm, but with this job is not uncommon to have another job in the civil service.


Norway is known for the Vikings who are not only known for the war, but were great traders and their culture are passed on to other countries, and proof of this are the remains of their vessels, jewelry and church called Stave Church. It is interesting to look churches, the whole of wood inside and out, while 2,000 were built between 1150 g. and 1350 g. They were built at a time when Norway is only appropriated early Christianity, and since people have been influenced by the Vikings on the roofs of churches can be seen dragons, Torr hammer at the door. Today, in these churches do not maintain the Mass but are only open for tourists, and charged admission. In any case, look fairytale of the first Breathtaking, hiding something mysterious and magical with its appearance.


One of the most beautiful cities in Norway is certainly a city of Alesund known as the "Venice of the North". Alesund caught a huge fire in 1904 g., And since the houses were made of wood the whole city was burned to the ground, but soon the city rose like the phoenix and today with about 38,000 people a very developed and wealthy city. Above the town there is a large gazebo with a restaurant, bar and souvenir shop where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the town and its surroundings. Are set and panoramic binoculars so you can closely monitor the life of the city.


One of the reasons for coming to Norway is certainly Nordkapp in Finnmark region. It is located in the northernmost part of Europe and if you are patient there you will experience the true Northern Lights. Nordkapp is located on the mountain, at 300 meters above sea level which gives the beautiful view of the sea. Rock of Nordkapp centuries was used as a navigation sailors, and today serves tourists for taking pictures, and can be enjoyed in the built complex which consists of restaurants, bars and of course souvenir shops where you can buy various figures such as Trolls, reindeer, and cloth- ing from wool that will keep you warm in the winter and remind the country in which you will certainly want to return.


The food is based mainly on fish, mostly salmon in different ways, as a specialty will offer brown cheese, roasted sheep's heads and the right style food called "Romme grot" mushy food like grits with cream, dusted with cinnamon powder, sugar and dried raisins.


Time during the day changes including temperature, so it is best to be dressed in layers and recommendations to be next to you in a bag umbrella. The rain means fall and seven consecutive days, and it is surprising that this happens in the middle of summer, and therefore the temperature drop and it seems like it's autumn.

Moderate climate, light and moist southwesterly winds provide convenience in creating vegetation. In southern Norway forest can grow up to 800 meters above sea level, and the highest mountains reaching up to 2000 meters above sea level, and they alone snow and glaciers that exist since the Ice Age.


Microsoft je riješio da promeni svoj status na tržištu. U poslednje vreme pojavilo se nekoliko niskobudžetnih uređaja, poput modela Lumia 435 i Lumia 532. Ipak, to nije sve. Microsoft želi otići korak dalje i u skladu s načelima pristupačnosti uređaja predstavio je najjeftiniji Windows Phone telefon. Model Microsoft Lumia 430 dolazi po početnoj ceni od svega 70 dolara. Iako se radi o cifri prije oporezivanja, jasno je da se i definitivno radi o najjeftinijem Windows Phone telefonu.
Microsoft Lumia 430 nudi bazične, ali solidne karakteristke

Ostarivanju zacrtanog cilja (snižavanja cijene što je moguće više) najviše su doprinele bazične karakteristike ovog modela, koji će dolaziti sa 4-inčnim WVGA ekranom (rezolucija 800×480 piksela), 8GB interne memorije (sa microSD proširenjem do 128GB!) uz podršku 1GB RAM-a. Microsoft je povjerenje poklonio jeftinijem Qualcomm-ovom Snapdragon 200 procesoru koji radi na 1,2GHz, a sastavljen je iz dva jezgra. Koliko ova specifikacija troši energije najbolje će znati skromna baterija od svega 1500mAh.
Ukoliko želite minimalnu cijenu, onda morate biti spremni da prihvatite i kameru od svega 2MP, kao i VGA sprijeda. Naravno, one neće biti u stanju da proizvedu neke pristojne fotografije, ali će ipak moći da posluže kada foto aparati nisu uz vas.
Microsoft Lumia 430 je dual SIM uređaj sa obećanim ažuriranjem na Windows 10

Microsoft Lumia 430 će raditi na Windows Phone 8.1 operativnom sistemu, uz obezbjeđenu najnoviju nadogradnju ove platforme pod nazivom Denim. Ovaj telefon dolazi kao dual SIM uređaj (sa Smart Dual SIM opcijom koja vam omogućava da lako označite aktivnu karticu), a biće interesantan i kao najjeftiniji uređaj kome je obezbeđeno ažuriranje na novi Windows 10. Microsoft Lumia 430 dolazi sa očekivanim softverom, kao što su Skype i Office, ali i 30GB besplatnog prostora na OneDrive servisu.
Microsoft Lumia 430 dolazi u jedinstvenoj kolor kombinaciji crne i narandžaste i namenjen je tržištima u razvoju. Ukoliko se Microsoft Lumia 430 bude prodavao i u ovom dijelu svijeta nema sumnje da će se naći i na policama našeg tržišta.

Microsoft decided to change its status in the market. Lately there have been several low-cost devices, such as models Lumia 435 and Lumia 532. But that's not all. Microsoft wants to go a step further and in accordance with the principles of accessibility devices presented the cheapest Windows Phone phone. Model Microsoft Lumia 430 comes with a starting price of only $ 70. Although this is a pre-tax figure, it is clear that and definitely a cheapest Windows Phone handset.
Microsoft Lumia 430 offers a basic, but solid of characteristic

Aging set target (lowering prices as much as possible) most contributed to the basic characteristics of this model, which will come with a 4-inch WVGA display (resolution of 800 × 480 pixels), 8GB of internal memory (with microSD expansion up to 128GB!) With the support 1GB RAM. Microsoft has donated to the trust cheaper Qualcomm's Snapdragon 200 processor clocked at 1.2GHz, and is composed of two cores. How this specification consumes energy will best know the modest battery of 1500mAh only.
If you want a minimum price, then you must be willing to accept and camera of 2MP all, as well as a VGA front. Of course, they will not be able to produce some decent photos, but will still be able to serve when the cameras are not with you.
Microsoft Lumia 430 is a dual SIM device with the promised update to Windows 10

Microsoft Lumia 430 will run on Windows Phone 8.1 operating system, also provide the latest update of this platform called Denim. This phone comes as a dual SIM device (with Smart Dual SIM option that allows you to easily check the active tab), and it will be interesting and as the least expensive device that is provided an update on the new Windows tenth Microsoft Lumia 430 comes with the expected software, such as Skype and Office, as well as 30GB of free space on OneDrive service.
Microsoft Lumia 430 comes in a unique color combination of black and orange and is designed for emerging markets. If Microsoft Lumia 430 to be sold in this part of the world there is no doubt that you will find on the shelves of our markets.

subota, 28. ožujka 2015.


Panonska jezera su slana umjetna jezera u Tuzli. Tuzlanska “Panonika”,Panonsko jezero koje se nalazi u samom centru grada na lokalitetu je bivših "Slanih bunara". Površina jezera je 11.000 m2, a dubina do 1,8 m. Sastav vode je 4/5 obične vode i 1/5 slanice.

Nakon realizacije I faze razvoja kompleksa izgradnjom velikog jezera u julu 2003.g., etapni razvoj je nastavljen 2006. g. izgradnjom Arheološkog Parka–Neolitskog Sojeničkog naselja sa muzejskom postavkom koja govori priču o kontinuitetu življenja na prostoru grada Tuzle još iz doba Neolita.

Početkom ljetnje sezone 2008. g., kapaciteti kompleksa su znatno povećani izgradnjom drugog slanog jezera a krajem septembra stvoren je još jedan jedinstveni turističi proizvod–Slani slapovi u formi, jedinstvenog za ove područja, inhalacionog zdravstvenog centra na otvorenom prostoru.

U kompleksu Panonskih jezera nalazi se i Sojeničko neolitsko naslje, sportski tereni, slani slapovi te mnogi drugi sadržaji.

Panonska jezera predstavljaju jedinstvene primjere slanih jezera u Evropi, te imaju ljekovita svojstva zahvaljujući sadržaju soli i drugih minerala. Voda u jezerima neprestano kruži, i prečišćava se pješčanim filterima.

Trenutno postoje 3 jezera i jedan slap,uz prelijepo okruženje.

Sada je Tuzla povezana i sa ostatkom Evrope preko aerodroma Dubrave na kojem saobraća Wizz Air tako da je lakše i brže doći.
Ljeto nam se bliži i bliže se ljepši dani,s toga dobrodošli u Tuzlu i u Bosnu i Hercegovinu.


Pannonian lakes are salty artificial lake in Tuzla. Tuzla "Panonika" Pannonian Lake located in the city center on the site of the former "salt wells". The lake surface is 11 000 m2, and the depth to 1.8 m. The composition of water is 4/5 tap water and 1/5 brine.

After the implementation of the Phase I development of the complex construction of a large lake in July 2003, a phased development has continued in 2006. construction of Archaeological Park-Neolithic lake-dwelling settlements containing museum that tells the story of the continuity of life in the area of ​​Tuzla town from the time of the Neolithic period.

At the beginning of the summer season of 2008., The capacity of the complex have significantly increased by building the second salt lake at the end of September created another unique product Turistico-Salted waterfalls fit, unique to this area, inhalation health center in the open air.

In the complex Pannonian lake there is a Neolithic lake-dwelling heritage, sports fields, salty waterfalls and many other facilities.

Pannonian lakes represent unique examples of salt lakes in Europe, and have medicinal properties due to the content of salts and other minerals. The water in the lakes is constantly circulating, and purified by sand filters.

Currently there are three lakes and a waterfall, with beautiful environment.

Now the Tuzla connected with the rest of Europe through the airport Dubrave which runs Wizz Air so it's easier and faster to use.
Summer us closer and closer to the nicer days, with that, welcome to Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina.