subota, 18. travnja 2015.


Zlatni retriveri su simpatični, mirni, lijepo vaspitani i veoma inteligentni psi. Veoma su prijatni a poznato je da se odlično slažu sa djecom. Odlika svih vrsta retrivera je privrženost ljudima te poslušnost koja uz pravilan trening postiže nivo nedostižan za druge pasmine. Zlatni retriveri su mirni kao kućni psi ali redovna i duga šetnja, istrčavanja i aktivnost (igra) na otvorenom su obavezni,
između ostalog jer sprečavate hiperaktivnost u kući. Pripadaju grupi srednje velikih pasa, do 34kg.

Zlatni retriver posjeduje izbrušen karakter koji zahtijeva autoritet, gospodara koji pokazuje vođstvo i kontrolu te prisustvo ljudi. Prijateljski su nastrojeni prema svima pa i prema drugim psima. Poznato je da se naročito dobro slažu sa djecom pa je zlatni retriver svakako idealan izbor za vašeg ljubimca ako imate malu djecu. Zlatni retriver gotovo nikada ne napada druge pse a odličan je i kao čuvar (iako mu to nije namjena) jer glasnim lavežom redovno upozorava na dolazak stranaca.

Porijeklo zlatnih retrivera

Zlatni retriveri vode porijeklo sa Škotskih visoravni, sa kraja 19. vijeka. 1865. godine Lord Tweedmouth je pario, danas izumrlog Tweed Water Spaniela i žutog labradora. Do 1890. Lord Tweedmouth je pažljivo pratio tu liniju, da bi zatim križao krvosljednika žute boje sa Tweed Water Spanielom, Irskim seterom i dva crna retrivera.
Kennel Club of England zlatnog retrivera prvi put unosi u knjigu uzgoja 1903. godine, pod nazivom “Flat-coated Retriever“. British Kennel Club priznaje zlatnog retrivera kao zasebnu pasminu 1913. godine, čime postaje udruženje koje vodi knjigu uzgoja pasmine zlatni retriver. AKC (American Kennel Club) priznaje pasminu zlatni retriver 1925. godine. Ubrzo pasmina postaje popularna u SAD i Engleskoj, u Evropi se pojavljuje 1980. dok pravu ekspanziju pasmina doživljava 90-ih godina prošlog vijeka. Danas zlatni retriver predstavlja najomiljeniju pasminu, te najrasprostranjeniju vrstu u Evropi.

Izgled zlatnog retrivera

Zlatni retriver je snažan pas, srednje veličine. Lobanja im je široka a njuška ravna i lagano se sužava sa lijepo definisanim završetkom. Nos je crn ili crno-smeđe boje a oči su krupne, smeđe boje. Relativno kratke uši padaju uz obraze. Rep je debeo u korijenu sa pojačanom gustinom i dužinom dlake sa donje strane. Tijelo zlatnih retrivera je skladno građeno, harmoničnih linija. Jakih je kostiju, izraženih rebara i grudnog koša, uskog stomaka i ravnih leđa. Zlatni retriveri imaju vodootpornu, gustu, ravnu ili srednje valovitu dlaku. Blago i lijepo je pojačana dlakavost na stomaku, unutrašnjim stranama nogu, prednjoj strani vrata i na donjoj strani repa. Dlaka zlatnih retrivera varira bogatim nijansama zlatne ili krem bijele boje. Visina zlatnih retrivera varira od 51-56cm kod ženki, odnosno 51-56cm kod mužjaka, dok težina varira od 25-32kg ženke, odnosno 27-36kg mužjaci. Životni vijek zlatnog retrivera je od 10-12 godina.

Namjena zlatnog retrivera

U početku je zlatni retriver bio uzgajan za lov, odnosno pronalaženje i donošelje ustrijeljenih ptica. Otuda i retriver u nazivu pasmine (eng: retrieve, vratiti). Na Britanskom ostrvu se često održavaju field trials takmičenja u “aportiranju” na kojim zlatni retriver pokazuje izuzetne kvalitete. Danas se zlatni retriver, zahvaljujući prije svega izraženoj inteligenciji, privrženosti ljudima i karakteru, često koristi kao vodič za slijepe i invalidne osobe te kao policijski tragač za narkoticima.
Ipak, zlatni retriver je prije svega pravi porodični pas, koji malo traži a mnogo daje i koji će vremenom sasvim sigurno postati punopravnim i omiljenim članom vaše porodice.


Golden retrievers are nice, quiet, beautifully mannered and very intelligent dogs. They are very pleasant and is known to have a great relationship with children. The quality of all kinds of retriever is a commitment to people and obedience that with proper training achieved level unattainable for other breeds. Golden Retrievers are calm as domestic dogs but regular and long walks, runs and activity (game) in the open are required,
among other things because it prevents hyperactivity in the house. Belong to the group of medium-sized dogs, up to 34kg.

Golden Retriever has a faceted character that requires authority, master who shows leadership and control, and the presence of people. Friendly are inclined to everyone and even to other dogs. It is known to be especially well with kids, and the golden retriever is certainly the ideal choice for your pet if you have small children. Golden Retriever almost never attack other dogs and is an excellent and as a screen (although he did not use) because loud barking regularly warn against foreigners.

Origin golden retriever

Golden Retrievers originated in the Scottish highlands, from the late 19th century. 1865 Lord Tweedmouth is mated, now extinct Tweed Water Spaniel and yellow lab. By 1890 Lord Tweedmouth has closely followed that line, that would then intersected bloodhound yellow color with a Tweed Water Spaniel, Irish setter and two black retriever.
Kennel Club of England golden retriever first entries in the book of cultivation in 1903, entitled "Flat-Coated Retriever". British Kennel Club recognized the golden retriever as a separate breed in 1913, thereby becoming an association that keeps a book of growing breed golden retriever. AKC (American Kennel Club) recognized the breed golden retriever in 1925. Soon breed became popular in the United States and England, in Europe appears in 1980 while experiencing a real expansion breed 90s of the last century. Today the Golden Retriever breed absolutely favorite and most widespread species in Europe.

The appearance of a golden retriever

Golden Retriever is a powerful dog, medium size. Their skull is broad and flat snout and diminishes slightly with beautifully defined finish. The nose is black or black-brown eyes large, brown. The relatively short ears fall to the cheeks. The tail is thick at the base, with increased density and length of hair on the bottom. Body golden retriever is well-proportioned, harmonious lines. Strong bones is expressed ribs and chest, narrow abdomen and back straight. Golden retrievers are waterproof, thick, straight or wavy medium hair. Goods and nice is increased hairiness on the abdomen, inner sides of the legs, the front door and on the underside of the tail. Coat golden retriever varies rich shades of gold or cream white. Height golden retriever varies from 51-56cm in females, and 51-56cm in males, while the weight varies from 25-32kg females and males 27-36kg. The life span of a golden retriever is 10-12 years.

The purpose of a golden retriever

In the beginning was the Golden Retriever was bred to hunt by finding and the decision-shot birds. Hence the retriever in the name of the breed (eng: retrieve, restore). In the British Isles are often held field trials in competition "retrieval" in which a Golden Retriever shows exceptional quality. Today, the golden retriever, thanks primarily expressed intelligence, commitment to people and nature, often used as a guide for the blind and disabled persons and as a police tracker for narcotics.

However, the Golden Retriever is primarily a real family dog, which bit of searching and a lot of give and which will eventually certainly become full and favorite member of your family.


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