ponedjeljak, 6. travnja 2015.


Predstavljamo Vam najjeftini automobil na svijetu.

Indijska firma Tata Motors je objavila da druga generacija najjeftinijeg automobila na svijetu, njihovog modela “nano”, treba proći kroz veliki broj promjena i postati “ozbiljniji automobil”.

 Model “nano” je 2009. godine počeo da se prodaje u Indiji po cijeni od 100.000 indijskih rupija ili oko 1.700 eura pa je ubrzo dobio titulu “najjeftinijeg automobila na svijetu”.
Tokom godina je osnovni model unaprijeđen pa je najskuplja verzija dostigla cijenu od 2.250 eura.
Međutim, iako jeftin, Tata s tim modelom nije uspjela napraviti prodor na svjetsko tržište, a bivši direktor firme Ratan Tata je to objasnio riječima: “Nano je kao najjeftiniji automobil na svijetu zapravo imao negativan utisak na kupce jer mnogi nisu željeli da budu za volanom nečeg najjeftinijeg”.
Kao rezultat ovoga, druga generacija trebala bi biti detaljno unaprijeđena, uz veću cijenu. Model bi trebao biti opremljen većim i moćnijim motorom u odnosu na aktuelni dvocilindrični benzinski agregat od 624 kubika i 38 KS (28 kW).
Tata je dodatno naglasila da je glavni razlog za proizvodnju aktuelnog “nanoa” bio da se siromašnim indijskim porodicama pruži bezbjednija alternativa motociklu.

Pogledajte fotografije.


We present you the cheapest car in the world.

Indian company Tata Motors announced that the second generation of the cheapest car in the world, their model "nano", should go through a large number of changes and become "serious car".

 Model "nano" in 2009 began to be sold in India at a price of 100,000 Indian rupees, or about 1,700 euros and soon received the title of "cheapest car in the world".
Over the years, the basic model is upgraded and is the most expensive version reached the price of 2,250 euros.
However, although inexpensive, Tata with this model failed to break into the world market, and the former director of the company Ratan Tata is explained by saying: "Nano as the cheapest car in the world actually had a negative impact on customers because many did not want to be behind the wheel something cheapest ".
As a result of this, the second generation should be thoroughly improved, with higher price. The model should be equipped with a larger and more powerful engine compared to the current two-cylinder petrol engine of 624 cc and 38 hp (28 kW).

Dad is further emphasized that the main reason for the production of the current "nano" was that the poor Indian families provide a safer alternative to a motorcycle.

Lets see photos.

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