srijeda, 29. travnja 2015.


Žene različitih dobi već su upoznate s problemom "narančine kore". 90% ženske populacije "boluje" od pojave celulita, što se ne može reći za muškarce.

Što je celulit i kako se manifestira?

Celulit je potkožna naslaga masnog tkiva s karakterističnim udubinamama i čvorićima, stanje u kojem dolazi do nagomilavanja masnoća i toksina pod kožom uslijed čega dolazi do slabljenja vezivnog tkiva koje povezuje kožu s mišićima.
Celulit se uglavnom javlja nakon puberteta,nažalost zbog pogrešnih prehrambenih navika te nedostatka fizičke aktivnosti tijekom godina stanje se pogoršava ako se ne poduzmu pravovremene i učinkovite mjere eliminacije.
Hormoni imaju važnu ulogu u nastanku i formiranju celulita. Osim što daju čvrstoću i elasticitet koži,oni reguliraju cirkulaciju krvi i limfe u organizmu, a pospješuju i bujanje masnog i vezivnog tkiva.

Visoki uticaj stresa,preskakanje obroka, neispavanost i iscrpljenost su stanja koja, uz genetske predispozicije, ubrzavaju nastanak celulita.
Zanimljivo je da i mršave osobe pate od celulita.
Najčešća mjesta gdje se celulit javlja i ističe su natkoljenice,stražnjica i nadlaktice.

Kako rješiti problem???

Znamo i upoznati smo da bismo trebali konzumirati više vode i čajeva, ali samim tim nećemo postići ništa. Odlučile ste krenuti na svakakve kozmetičke anticelulitne tretmane?
Kozmetički tretmani bilo koje vrste samo su 50% rezultata koji možete postići, jer bitno je znati da u eliminaciji celulita morate sudjelovati i vi i vaš terapeut.
Potrebno je napraviti analizu vašeg celulita, odrediti mu fazu i tek tada krenuti u njegovu eliminaciju. Osim odlazaka na anticelulitne tretmane, važno je da promijenite prehranu i počnete se baviti tjelovježbom kako biste dobili brže i dugotrajnije rezultate.
Važno je znati da je celulit "hladna zona" na tijelu, pa ga je potrebno ugrijati kako bi se višak tekućine u međustaničnim prostorima izbacio van.
Anticelulitni tretmani i masaže su kod većine žena u fazi početka tretmana bolni, ali kako se proces odvija i celulit počne razgradnju, tretmani više nisu toliko neugodni.
Bitnu ulogu u eliminaciji celulita igra i probava pa se klijenticama preporučava prehrana za regulaciju probave (kod neredovite stolice) i diuretici kako bi se višak tekućine i toksina putem mokraće izbacio van.
Tretmane je potrebno voditi redovito u određenom broju dolazaka(po savjetu terapeuta)
Kako se na tržištu nude razni tretmani, obratite pažnju na svoje tijelo i njegove potrebe s obzirom da ste vi ta koja se poznaje najbolje.

Sami rješite celulit kod kuće:

Ako je vaš celulit u početnoj fazi i nije pretjerano vidljiv. Savjet je da prije odlaska na neku vrstu tjelovježbe na kritične zone nanesete kreme s termičkim djelovanjem kako biste pojačali djelovanje tog preparata (ne preporučava se kod osoba koje imaju izražene kapilare i vene)
Masirajte kritične zone anticelulitnim preparatima, ali ne tako da samo nanesete preparat, već ga umasirajte čvrstim pokretima.
Krenite pravovremeno u eliminaciju celulita, ne čekajte zadnjih pet dana do odlaska na more, već budite svjesne da je celulit stanje kojem treba duži period kako bi ga se  riješilo i kako bi tijelo dobilo zasluženu glatkoću i napetost bez "narančine kore".


Women of all ages have already been familiar with the problem of "orange peel". 90% of the female population "suffers" from the appearance of cellulite, which can not be said for men.

What is cellulite and how it manifests?

Cellulite is subcutaneous fatty tissue cover with characteristic udubinamama and nodes, a condition in which there is a build up of fat and toxins under the skin causing a weakening of connective tissue that attaches the skin to the muscles.
Cellulite usually occurs after puberty, unfortunately due to wrong eating habits and lack of physical activity during the year are getting worse by failing to take timely and effective measures to eliminate.
Hormones play an important role in the development and the formation of cellulite. In addition to providing strength and elasticity of the skin, they regulate blood circulation and lymph flow in the body and stimulate the proliferation of fat and connective tissue.

High impact stress, skipping meals, lack of sleep and fatigue are conditions that, with genetic predisposition, accelerate the formation of cellulite.
It is interesting that thin people suffer from cellulite.
The most common places where cellulite occurs and highlights the thigh, buttocks and upper arms.

How to solve the problem ???

We know and we meet that we should consume more water and tea, but therefore we will not achieve anything. You decided to go to all sorts of cosmetic anti-cellulite treatments?
Cosmetic treatments of any kind are only 50% of the results that can be achieved, because it is important to know that the elimination of cellulite you have to participate, and you and your therapist.
It is necessary to do an analysis of your cellulite, determine his stage and only then move to its elimination. Except departures on anti-cellulite treatments, it is important to change your diet and begin to deal with exercise to get faster and longer-lasting results.
It is important to know that cellulite "cold zone" on the body, so it is necessary to warm to excess fluid in the intercellular spaces knocked out.
Anti-cellulite treatments and massages are most women in the stage of starting the treatment painful, but that the process takes place and cellulite starts degradation, the treatments are no longer so unpleasant.
An important role in the elimination of cellulite game and digestion so clients advisable diet for regulation of digestion (with irregular stools) and diuretics to excess fluid and toxins through urine thrown out.
Treatments need to run regularly in a number of arrivals (according to therapist's advice)
How does the market offer various treatments, pay attention to your body and its needs since you are the one who knows best.

You get rid of cellulite at home:

If your cellulite in the initial stage and not overly noticeable. The advice is that before you go to some kind of exercise in critical zones apply creams with thermal action to increase effect of this preparation (not recommended in people who have expressed capillaries and veins)
Massage critical areas of anti-cellulite preparations, but not so that only apply preparation, but massage it very vigorously.

Take timely in the elimination of cellulite, do not wait until the last five days to prepare for the sea, but be aware that the cellulite condition which needs a longer period in order to resolve and to give the body a well-deserved smoothness and tension-free "orange peel".

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