petak, 10. travnja 2015.


Bosanske piramide ponovo su uzburkale svjetsku javnost. Trenutno se prikazuje tridesetominutna epizoda o otkriću piramida u Visokom, na jednom od najgledanijih svjetskih televizijskih kanala: “Discovery Science Channel”, prenosi bh. novinska agencija Patria (NAP).

Epizoda se emituje u okviru serijala “Neobjašnjene misterije” (“Unexplained Files”, sezona 2014-2015).

Iz Fondacije arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca, saopćili su kako je dokumentarac sniman tokom maja i juna 2014. Autori su uključili četiri britanska i američka stručnjaka, odranije deklarirana oponenta ovom otkriću, iz oblasti arheologije, geologije, egiptologije i fizike. S druge strane bio je pronalazač piramida dr. Semir Osmanagić i fizičar iz Zagreba Slobodan Mizdrak.

Britanski arheolog Henry Chapman, koji je postao poznat u svijetu nakon što je u dokumentarcu “Discovery” kanala tvrdio kako piramide u BiH ne postoje, govorio je o tome da prije 12.000 godina nije bilo razvijenih društava već samo primitivna lovačka plemena.

Urednici emisije, navode dalje iz Fondacije, su ga lako demantirali pokazujući slike otkrića iz istočne Turske i megalitnu lokaciju Gobekli Tepe, građenu prije više od 12.000 godina, koja je plod vrlo razvijene civilizacije.

Egiptolog Campbell Price je govorio o prevaziđenoj teoriji da je za gradnju egipatskih piramida bilo potrebno desetine hiljada radnika i pri tome je prikazivao primitivne drvene i kamene alate iz egipatskog muzeja.

Geolog Dougal Jerram je tvrdio da su piramide mogle nastati procesom zvanim “hladno željezo” kada prirodne željezne ploče ispod zemlje u koliziji sa zemljom iz susjednog pravca formiraju trokutastu stranu. Pri tome nije uspio objasniti kako nastaju četiri trokutaste strane, perfektne orijentacije prema stranama svijeta. Henry Chapman je izrazio sumnju da “Osmanagić sam kopa tunele u Visokom”. Ubrzo su ga urednici dokumentarca demantirali prikazujući slike novootkrivenih tunela s vodom, brojnih raskršća, suhozidova i podzemnih komora.

Prijatno iznenađenje je da autori priloga nisu u montaži isjekli izjave Osmanagića o naučnim argumentima. Tako je citirana analiza Instituta za agropedologiju o starosti nanosa zemljišta iznad piramida od više od 12.000 godina, te analize naučnih instituta o blokovima na Bosanskoj piramidi Sunca koji predstavljaju vještački lijevani beton.

Tvrdnje britanskih arheologa da su piramide grobnice faraona su demantirane činjenicnim stanjem da u egipatskim piramidama mumije nisu pronađene već u Dolini kraljeva.

U drugom dijelu emisije autori su postavili pitanje “šta je onda svrha piramida ako nisu grobnice”?

Osmanagić ubjedljivo dokazuje tezu da su piramide energetske mašine koje su koristile prirodne energetske izvore, podzemne vodene tokove kao generatore elektriciteta, provodljive materijale, kvarcni kristal i keramiku, te geometrijski oblik piramide, a sve to u svrhu stvaranja moćnih energetskih zraka. Izmjereno je da su one po svojoj prirodi elektromagnetne i ultrazvučne.

Fizičar dr. Robert Lomas dopušta mogućnost da podzemni vodeni tokovi zbilja generiraju elektricitet, ali je postavio pitanje kako ga provesti do vrha piramide.

U emisiji se zatim pojavljuje fizičar Slobodan Mizdrak iz Zagreba koji pred kamerama vrši mjerenja elektromagnetizma. Na prilaznom platou Bosanskoj piramidi Sunca instrumenti pokazuju odsustvo elektromagnetnog polja. Međutim, na vrhu piramide mjeri frekvenciju od 26-32 kHz, sa snagom od 2,2 V. On za to nema objašnjenja, jer ova elektromagnetna zraka jednostavno ne bi trebala biti ovdje.

Specijalno za ovu emisiju dopremljen je dron koji je sobom nosio aparate iznad piramide. Tokom snimanja izmjereno je da se snaga elektromagnetne zrake povećava kako se udaljava od vrha piramide. Tako je na visini od 18 metara iznad vrha Bosanske piramide Sunca izmjerena najveća snaga u voltima. To je bio drugi šokantni energetski fenomen za autore dokumentarca, koji je već ranije bio poznat stručnjacima Fondacije “Arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca”.

Nekoliko puta je Osmanagić ponovio da je Bosanska piramida Sunca najveća i najstarija piramida na svijetu, pokazujući lokaciju gdje je pronađen organski materijal unutar piramide. Radiokarbonsko datiranje je dokazalo starost od 29.200 godina što je čini ujedno i najstarijom strukturom na svijetu.

Emisija će se ponavljati tokom sezone 2014. - 2015. i procjena je da će je vidjeti 20 miliona ljudi.

Ova emisija je upravo napravila ogroman korak u promjeni naučne paradigme svijeta: piramide nisu grobnice faraona, već energetske mašine, a najveća i najstarija od svih je upravo Bosanska piramida Sunca. Ono što je dr. Osmanagić najavljivao 2005 godine, sada postaje stvarnost.


Bosnian Pyramid again stirred up the world public. Currently showing episodes of thirty minutes of the discovery of the pyramids in Visoko, in one of the most popular world TV channels: "Discovery Science Channel," the BH. news agency Patria (NAP).

Episode broadcast in the series "Unexplained mysteries" ("Unexplained Files", season 2014-2015).

From the Foundation Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, said on Monday that the documentary was filmed in May and June 2014. The authors included four British and American experts, pre-declared opponent of the present disclosure, in the field of archeology, geology, Egyptology and physics. On the other side was the discoverer of the pyramids dr. Osmanagic and physicist from Zagreb Slobodan Mizdrak.

British archaeologist Henry Chapman, who became famous in the world after the documentary "Discovery" channel claimed that the pyramids in Bosnia and Herzegovina does not exist, he said that 12,000 years ago there was developed societies but only primitive hunting tribes.

Editors emissions, sets forth the Foundation, he was easily denied by showing pictures findings from eastern Turkey and the megalithic site of Gobekli Tepe was built more than 12,000 years, which is the fruit of very advanced civilizations.

Egyptologist Campbell Price talked about the outdated theory that the construction of the Egyptian pyramids were needed tens of thousands of workers and at the same time showed the primitive wooden and stone tools from the Egyptian Museum.

Geologist Dougal Jerram argued that the pyramids might arise by a process called "cold iron" when natural iron plates under the ground in collision with the earth from the neighboring directions forming a triangular side. It failed to explain how the resulting four triangular sides, perfect orientation toward the cardinal points. Henry Chapman said he doubted that "Osmanagic I dig tunnels in the High". Soon he was denied editors documentary showing images of newly discovered tunnel with water, numerous intersections, dry walls and underground chambers.

A pleasant surprise is that the contributors are not in the editing cropped statements Osmanagic on scientific arguments. Thus, the cited analysis of the Institute for Agropedology of age sediments of land above the pyramid of more than 12,000 years, and analyzes of the scientific institutes of the blocks on the Pyramid of the Sun, which are artificially poured concrete.

Claims of British archaeologists that the pyramid tombs of the pharaohs they denied the factual situation that the pyramids of Egypt mummies were found already in the Valley of the Kings.

In the second part of the authors have raised the question "what is the purpose of the pyramid if not grave"?

Osmanagic convincingly proves the thesis that the pyramids are energy machines that used the natural energy resources, underground water flows as electricity generators, conductive materials, quartz crystal and ceramics, and the geometric shape of a pyramid, and all this in order to create a powerful energy beam. Measured is that they are by their very nature electromagnetic and ultrasound.

Physicist Dr. Robert Lomas allows the possibility that underground water flows really generate electricity, but raised the question how to implement it to the top of the pyramid.

The film then appears physicist Slobodan Mizdrak from Zagreb on camera performs measurements of electromagnetism. At the entrance plateau Pyramid of the Sun instruments indicate the absence of electromagnetic field. However, on top of the pyramid measures the frequency of 26-32 kHz, with an output of 2.2 V. It has no explanation for it, because the electromagnetic rays just should not be here.

Specially for this show brought the drone that is brought about appliances above the pyramid. During the recording is measured to power electromagnetic rays increases as moving away from the top of the pyramid. Thus, at a height of 18 meters above the top of the Pyramid of the Sun measured the greatest strength in volts. It was another shocking phenomenon of energy for the authors of the documentary, which is already known to experts of the "Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun".

Several times he repeated that Osmanagic is Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Pyramid of the largest and oldest in the world, showing the location where the organic material found inside the pyramid. Radiocarbon dating has proven age of 29,200 years, which makes it the oldest structure in the world.

The show will be repeated during the season 2014th to 2015th and it is estimated that to see 20 million people.

This show has just made a huge step in changing the scientific paradigm of the world: the pyramids are tombs of the pharaohs, but energy machines, and the largest and oldest of all is just Bosnian Pyramid. What is dr. Osmanagic announced in 2005, now becomes a reality.


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