utorak, 21. travnja 2015.


Osjetljive teme poput seksa znaju vrlo brzo da zabrinu ljude čim nešto krene po zlu. Međutim, postoje seksualni problemi koji su savim normalna pojava.

Seksualni problemi znaju da budu zaista frustrirajući jer je seks izuzetno osetljiva tema. Čim nešto u krevetu krene po zlu, ljudi postaju nervozni, uzrujani i zabrinuti za sebe i svoju vezu. Međutim, postoje situacije u kojima je sasvim očekivano i normalno da dođe do problema tokom seksa. S toga, kako biste izbjegli nepotrebno nerviranje i trošenje svojih živaca, misli i vremena na probleme koji ne postoje, treba da budete svjesni “problema” u krevetu koje treba potpuno ignorisati.

Pornografija i seksualne fantazije

Seksualna terapeutkinja Sari Kuper tvrdi da je sasvim normalno da ljudi imaju seksualne fantazije i da uživaju u pornografiji. Neki ljudi su uvjereni da to može negativno da utiče na njihov život i da mogu da postanu zavisnici. Osim ako nije riječ o nasilju, pedofiliji, silovanju ili prostituciji, Kuperova naglašava da se radi o sasvim normalnim pojavama.

Gubitak erekcije

Heti Batson, autorka tri knjige o starenju, na najbolji mogući način pomaže svojim klijentima da se nose sa nekim strahovima. I sama je imala razna iskustva. Bila je u vezi s muškarcem koji je jednom izgubio erekciju, te mu je bilo poprilično neprijatno i bojao se da se to ne ponovi. Međutim, Heti savjetuje da u takvim situacijama ne treba paničiti. Takve stvari se često dešavaju zbog niskog libida u kombinaciji sa lošim zdravljem, nedostatka samopouzdanja ili straha da će loše odraditi posao u krevetu i ejakulirati prerano. Sve što treba da uradite tada je da porazgovarate sa svojim partnerom i pružite mu podršku.

Seks nakon pijanstva

Penis može da postane mlitav nakon previše alkohola. Ova situacija je uobičajena. Mnoge žene misle da više nisu privlačne kada njihov partner izgubi erekciju, da ih partner vara, da gleda previše pornića i masturbira. Međutim, postoje šanse da nije reč o tome. Popričajte s partnerom pre nego što počnete da dramatizujete.

Nemogućnost postizanja orgazma

Mnoge žene nikad nisu postigle orgazam i uopšte ne znaju kakav je to osjećaj. No, Heti Batson vjeruje da je u pitanju psihički problem, a ne fizička nesposobnost. U tom slučaju žena bi trebalo da potraži pomoć, da se obrati stručnjacima i terapeutima koji joj mogu pomoći da se oslobodi i nauči da uživa, kako u seksu, tako i u samozadovoljavanju.

Mala ili nikakva seksualna želja 

Čest problem kod žena je nezadovoljstvo sopstvenim izgledom i manjak samopouzdanja. To ih dovodi do misli da nisu privlačne i poželjne. Međutim, muškarce baš briga za to. Oni ne uočavaju “nesavršenosti” koje vas opterećuju, već sve na šta misle je veličina njihovog penisa.

Mali penis

Heti Batson smatra da ne treba brinuti zbog malog penisa. Kada muškarac nema dovoljno samopouzdanja u seksu, to može biti veći problem od malog penisa. Ako je muškarac vješt i može da zadovolji partnerku, obično oralno, zar je važna veličina penisa? Batson dodaje i da se muškarci s manjim penisom više trude da zadovolje partnerku.

Takmičenje sa supermodelima

Mislite da vaš partner želi da izgledate poput supermodela u seksi donjem vešu?Ovo važi za neke muškarce, ali većina dok masturbira, zamišlja ono što bi hteli da im partnerka priušti u seksu.

Smeta vam kad partner gleda pornografiju

Muškarci češće imaju jači libido i žele seks češće nego žene. Masturbacija je prirodni način da se doživi seksualno iskustvo koje je drugačije od onog s partnerkom i nema razloga za brigu. Gledanje pornografije postaje problem ukoliko pređe u zavisnost ili kompulzivno ponašanje. Tada treba otvoreno da popričate sa partnerom.

Seks nakon operacije

Heti Batson pomogla je mnogim muškarcima nakon operacije srca. Mnogim pripadnicima jačeg pola je neprijatno da razgovaraju o seksu s doktorima. Bilo je slučajeva i kada je žena operisala kuk i bojala se seksa nakon operacije. U ovakvim slučajevima potrebno je potražiti savet doktora ili terapeuta, ali ne treba brinuti i gubiti vrijeme na strahove.


Sensitive topics like sex know very quickly that worried people as soon as something goes wrong. However, there are sexual problems which are quite normal.

Sexual problems can be really frustrating, because sex is a very sensitive topic. As soon as something in the bed goes wrong, people are getting nervous, upset and concerned about themselves and their relationship. However, there are situations where it is quite normal and natural that a problem occurs during sex. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary frustration and wear their nerves, thoughts and time to problems that do not exist, you should be aware of the "problem" in bed to be completely ignored.

Pornography and sexual fantasies

Sex therapist Sari Cooper argues that it is quite normal for people to have sexual fantasies and enjoy pornography. Some people are convinced that it will have negative impacts on their lives and that they can get addicted. Unless comes to violence, pedophilia, rape or prostitution, Cooper points out that it is a completely normal phenomenon.

The loss of erection

Hattie Batson, author of three books on aging, in the best possible way helps its clients to cope with some fears. I myself had a different experience. She was in a relationship with a guy who once lost his erection, and he was quite embarrassed and afraid that will not happen again. However, Hetty advised that in such situations should not panic. Such things often happen due to low libido, combined with poor health, lack of confidence or fear of bad do the job in bed and ejaculate prematurely. All you need to do then is to talk with your partner and give him support.

Sex after drunkenness

The penis can become limp after too much alcohol. This situation is common. Many women think they are more attractive when their partner loses his erection, that their partner is cheating, you watch too much porn and masturbating. However, there are chances that it is not about that. Talk with your partner before you begin to dramatize.

The inability to achieve orgasm

Many women never achieve orgasm and do not know how it feels. But Hattie Batson believes that it is a psychological problem, not a physical disability. In this case, women should seek help, to turn to the experts and therapists who can help her to get rid of and learn to enjoy, both in sex and in masturbation.

Little or no sexual desire

A common problem in women's dissatisfaction with their own appearance and lack of self-confidence. This leads them to think that they are not attractive and desirable. However, men do not care for it. They do not see "imperfections" that you burdened, but all on what they think is the size of their penis.

A small penis

Hattie Batson believes that one should not worry about the small penis. When a man does not have enough confidence in sex, it can be a bigger problem than a small penis. If the man is skilled and can satisfy your partner, usually orally, is an important penis size? Batson and adds that men with smaller penis more effort to satisfy your partner.

Competition with supermodels

Do you think that your partner wants to look like a supermodel in sexy underwear? This is true for some men, but most while masturbating, imagining what they would like to partner afford to sex.

Does it bother you when partner watches porn

Men tend to have a stronger libido and want sex more often than women. Masturbation is a natural way of experiencing sexual experience that is different from the one with the partner and not to worry. Watching pornography becomes a problem if you take the addiction or compulsive behavior. Then be open to talk with your partner.

Sex after surgery

Hattie Batson has helped many men after heart surgery. Many members of the stronger sex is uncomfortable talking about sex with doctors. There have been cases when a woman is operated hip and she was afraid of sex after surgery. In such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor or therapist, but nothing to worry about and spend time fears.

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