četvrtak, 30. travnja 2015.


Šumski požar koji je izbio u utorak u Ukrajini blizu centrale u Černobilu, poprišta najgore civilne nuklearne katastrofe 1986. godine, "pod nadzorom je" u srijedu ujutro, objavili su dužnosnici državne službe za izvanredna stanja.

"U 6 sati požar je savladan i zaustavljen. Stanje je pod nadzorom. Gašenje vatre se nastavlja", priopćile su te službe.

Požar je izbio u 11.45 sati u utorak i proširio se na 320 hektara.

Na lice mjesta je za gašenje poslano 305 vatrogasaca kao i više desetaka vozila za spašavanje, tri zrakoplova i dva helikoptera.

Ukrajinska policija istaknula je u noći s utorka na srijedu da je pristupila evakuaciji stanovnika u toj zoni.

Već su u utorak vlasti uvjeravale da je stanje pod nadzorom i da nema nikakve opasnosti.


A forest fire that broke out on Tuesday in Ukraine near the plant in Chernobyl, scene of the worst civilian nuclear disaster in 1986, "under the supervision of the" Wednesday morning, officials said the State Emergency Service.

"At 6 o'clock the fire was put under control and stopped. The situation is under control. Fire extinguishing continues", announced this service.

The fire broke out at 11.45 on Tuesday and spread to 320 acres.

In the face of the fire sent 305 firefighters and dozens of rescue vehicles, three aircraft and two helicopters.

Ukrainian police said in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday that joined the evacuation of residents in the zone.

Already on the authorities ensured that the situation is under control and that there is no danger.


1. Ako imate problematičnu kožu lica sklonu bubuljicama, aknama i crvenilu ona zahtjeva posebnu, redovitu njegu. Pronađite stoga malo vremena kako bi 2 - 3 puta tjedno napravili prirodnu masku koja će poboljšati izgled vaše kože.

Smrvite svježi kvasac i promiješajte ga sa mlakim mlijekom. Dobivenu smjesu ujednačeno nanesite na lice i ostavite dok ne očvrsne, pa potom isperite mlakom vodom. Ova prirodna maska čisti i osvježava kožu. Osobito se preporuča osobama koje su sklone miteserima i bubuljicama.

2. Za prirodnu masku od rajčice potrebna vam je 1 rajčica i 2 žlice jogurta .Ocijedite sok iz rajčice i promiješajte ga sa jogurtom. Dobivenu smjesu nanesite na lice i ostavite 10 - 15 minuta, potom isperite vodom. Ova prirodna maska je odlična protiv bubuljica.

3. Za prirodnu masku od sira i meda  potrebne su dvije žlice mladog sira koje ćete promiješati sa žlicom meda i to tako da dobijete ujednačenu smjesu koju ćete na licu ostaviti 20 minuta. Najbolje je ovu masku isprati tako što ćete blazinicu natopiti toplim mlijekom. Ova prirodna maska se preporuča osjetljivoj koži sklonoj crvenilu.

4. Suhoj koži lica je prije svega neophodna hidratacija. Uz hidrantnih krema njegujte svoju kožu maskama koje su namijenjene isključivo suhoj koži: naribajte mrkvu, dodajte pola žlicu bademovog ulja i žlicu mlijeka te je ostavite na licu 30 min. Isperite mlakom vodom.

5. Prirodnu masku od banane i meda napravit ćete tako što ćete izgnječiti bananu viljuškom i dodati med kako bi ste dobili gustu smjesu koju ćete nanijeti na lice i držati 10 minuta, a potom isprati hladnom vodom. Sličnu masku možete napraviti i sa jabukom i medom -naribajte jabuku i dodajte med. Nanesite na lice i ostavite 10 minuta. Isperite hladnom vodom.

6. Dobro poznata maska od krastavca jako je korisna za suhu kožu. Nasjeckan krastavac se stavi na lice koje ste prethodno dobro očistili. Ostavite tako da djeluje 30 min. Ovu masku nije potrebno ispirati s obzirom da je sok od krastavca puno bolji od obične vode.

7. Mnogi pretpostavljaju kako masnoj koži nisu potrebne maske što je velika greška. Jedino na što treba dobro pripaziti je odabir odgovarajuće maske. Masku od griza i bijelaka dobit ćete tako da žlicu griza promiješate sa bjelancem te ostavite da djeluje 20 minuta, te lice isperite hladnom vodom.

8. Masku koja će osvježiti vašu kožu dobit ćete tako što ćete zgnječiti jedan svježi krumpir koji ćete promiješati sa malo svježeg mlijeka i jednim žumanjkom. Ovu osvježavajuću masku potrebno je ostaviti na licu dok se ne osuši, a zatim isprati mlakom vodom.

9. Za prirodnu masku od mrkve bit će vam potrebne 2-3 svježe mrkve i 5 žlica meda. Mrkve skuhajte i propasirajte te u dobiveni pire dodajte med. Masku nanesite na lice i ostavite da stoji 10 minuta potom isperite hladnom vodom.

10. Prirodnu masku od naranče ćete dobiti tako da u posudu iscijedite naranču i umiješajte onoliko brašna koliko je potrebno da dobijete gustu smjesu. Masku nanesite na lice i ostavite da djeluje 20 minuta pa potom isperite toplom vodom. Ova maska normalizira lučenje masnoća. Nakon ove maske ne zaboravite nanijeti hidratantnu kremu.


1. If you have problem skin prone to acne facial, acne and redness it requires special, regular care. Find so little time to 2 - 3 times a week made a natural mask that will enhance the appearance of your skin.

Crumble leftover fresh yeast and mix it with the lukewarm milk. The resulting mixture evenly apply on your face and leave it until it hardens, and then rinse with lukewarm water. This natural mask cleans and refreshes the skin. It is especially recommended for people who are prone to blackheads and acne.

2. For a natural mask of tomatoes need a 1 tomato and 2 tablespoons of yogurt .Ocijedite juice from the tomatoes and mix it with yogurt. The resulting mixture apply on face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. This natural mask is excellent Blemish.

3. For a natural mask of cheese and honey requires two tablespoons of cottage cheese, which will stir with a spoon of honey and so homogeneous that you leave on your face for 20 minutes. It is best to rinse the mask so that you soak a cotton pad with warm milk. This natural mask is recommended for sensitive skin prone to redness.

4. Dry facial skin is first of all necessary hydration. With moisturizer nourish your skin masks that are designed specifically for dry skin: Grate carrots, add half a tablespoon of almond oil and a spoonful of milk and leave it on your face for 30 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

5. Natural mask of bananas and honey make you so that you will mash banana with a fork and add honey to get a thick paste that you put on your face and hold for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water. A similar mask you can do with an apple and honey -use apple and add honey. Apply to face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

6. Well-known mask of cucumber is very helpful for dry skin. Chopped cucumber put on your face that you had a good clean. Leave to act 30 minutes. This mask is not necessary to rinse due to the cucumber juice much better than plain water.

7. Many assume that oily skin masks are needed which is a big mistake. The only thing you should be good to watch the selection of the appropriate masks. Mask of semolina you will receive by stirring with a spoon semolina with egg and leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.

8.Mask that will refresh your skin so you will get what you squeeze one fresh potatoes that will stir with some fresh milk and one egg yolk. This refreshing mask should be left on the face until it dries, then rinse with lukewarm water.

9. For a natural mask of carrots will be required 2-3 fresh carrots and 5 tablespoons of honey. Cook carrots and mash and the resulting puree add honey. Mask apply to face and leave it for 10 minutes then rinse with cold water.

10. Natural mask orange you get so that the squeeze orange bowl and add as much flour as needed to get a thick mixture. Mask Apply to face and leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This mask normalizes the secretion of fat. After these masks do not forget to apply a moisturizer.

srijeda, 29. travnja 2015.


Žene različitih dobi već su upoznate s problemom "narančine kore". 90% ženske populacije "boluje" od pojave celulita, što se ne može reći za muškarce.

Što je celulit i kako se manifestira?

Celulit je potkožna naslaga masnog tkiva s karakterističnim udubinamama i čvorićima, stanje u kojem dolazi do nagomilavanja masnoća i toksina pod kožom uslijed čega dolazi do slabljenja vezivnog tkiva koje povezuje kožu s mišićima.
Celulit se uglavnom javlja nakon puberteta,nažalost zbog pogrešnih prehrambenih navika te nedostatka fizičke aktivnosti tijekom godina stanje se pogoršava ako se ne poduzmu pravovremene i učinkovite mjere eliminacije.
Hormoni imaju važnu ulogu u nastanku i formiranju celulita. Osim što daju čvrstoću i elasticitet koži,oni reguliraju cirkulaciju krvi i limfe u organizmu, a pospješuju i bujanje masnog i vezivnog tkiva.

Visoki uticaj stresa,preskakanje obroka, neispavanost i iscrpljenost su stanja koja, uz genetske predispozicije, ubrzavaju nastanak celulita.
Zanimljivo je da i mršave osobe pate od celulita.
Najčešća mjesta gdje se celulit javlja i ističe su natkoljenice,stražnjica i nadlaktice.

Kako rješiti problem???

Znamo i upoznati smo da bismo trebali konzumirati više vode i čajeva, ali samim tim nećemo postići ništa. Odlučile ste krenuti na svakakve kozmetičke anticelulitne tretmane?
Kozmetički tretmani bilo koje vrste samo su 50% rezultata koji možete postići, jer bitno je znati da u eliminaciji celulita morate sudjelovati i vi i vaš terapeut.
Potrebno je napraviti analizu vašeg celulita, odrediti mu fazu i tek tada krenuti u njegovu eliminaciju. Osim odlazaka na anticelulitne tretmane, važno je da promijenite prehranu i počnete se baviti tjelovježbom kako biste dobili brže i dugotrajnije rezultate.
Važno je znati da je celulit "hladna zona" na tijelu, pa ga je potrebno ugrijati kako bi se višak tekućine u međustaničnim prostorima izbacio van.
Anticelulitni tretmani i masaže su kod većine žena u fazi početka tretmana bolni, ali kako se proces odvija i celulit počne razgradnju, tretmani više nisu toliko neugodni.
Bitnu ulogu u eliminaciji celulita igra i probava pa se klijenticama preporučava prehrana za regulaciju probave (kod neredovite stolice) i diuretici kako bi se višak tekućine i toksina putem mokraće izbacio van.
Tretmane je potrebno voditi redovito u određenom broju dolazaka(po savjetu terapeuta)
Kako se na tržištu nude razni tretmani, obratite pažnju na svoje tijelo i njegove potrebe s obzirom da ste vi ta koja se poznaje najbolje.

Sami rješite celulit kod kuće:

Ako je vaš celulit u početnoj fazi i nije pretjerano vidljiv. Savjet je da prije odlaska na neku vrstu tjelovježbe na kritične zone nanesete kreme s termičkim djelovanjem kako biste pojačali djelovanje tog preparata (ne preporučava se kod osoba koje imaju izražene kapilare i vene)
Masirajte kritične zone anticelulitnim preparatima, ali ne tako da samo nanesete preparat, već ga umasirajte čvrstim pokretima.
Krenite pravovremeno u eliminaciju celulita, ne čekajte zadnjih pet dana do odlaska na more, već budite svjesne da je celulit stanje kojem treba duži period kako bi ga se  riješilo i kako bi tijelo dobilo zasluženu glatkoću i napetost bez "narančine kore".


Women of all ages have already been familiar with the problem of "orange peel". 90% of the female population "suffers" from the appearance of cellulite, which can not be said for men.

What is cellulite and how it manifests?

Cellulite is subcutaneous fatty tissue cover with characteristic udubinamama and nodes, a condition in which there is a build up of fat and toxins under the skin causing a weakening of connective tissue that attaches the skin to the muscles.
Cellulite usually occurs after puberty, unfortunately due to wrong eating habits and lack of physical activity during the year are getting worse by failing to take timely and effective measures to eliminate.
Hormones play an important role in the development and the formation of cellulite. In addition to providing strength and elasticity of the skin, they regulate blood circulation and lymph flow in the body and stimulate the proliferation of fat and connective tissue.

High impact stress, skipping meals, lack of sleep and fatigue are conditions that, with genetic predisposition, accelerate the formation of cellulite.
It is interesting that thin people suffer from cellulite.
The most common places where cellulite occurs and highlights the thigh, buttocks and upper arms.

How to solve the problem ???

We know and we meet that we should consume more water and tea, but therefore we will not achieve anything. You decided to go to all sorts of cosmetic anti-cellulite treatments?
Cosmetic treatments of any kind are only 50% of the results that can be achieved, because it is important to know that the elimination of cellulite you have to participate, and you and your therapist.
It is necessary to do an analysis of your cellulite, determine his stage and only then move to its elimination. Except departures on anti-cellulite treatments, it is important to change your diet and begin to deal with exercise to get faster and longer-lasting results.
It is important to know that cellulite "cold zone" on the body, so it is necessary to warm to excess fluid in the intercellular spaces knocked out.
Anti-cellulite treatments and massages are most women in the stage of starting the treatment painful, but that the process takes place and cellulite starts degradation, the treatments are no longer so unpleasant.
An important role in the elimination of cellulite game and digestion so clients advisable diet for regulation of digestion (with irregular stools) and diuretics to excess fluid and toxins through urine thrown out.
Treatments need to run regularly in a number of arrivals (according to therapist's advice)
How does the market offer various treatments, pay attention to your body and its needs since you are the one who knows best.

You get rid of cellulite at home:

If your cellulite in the initial stage and not overly noticeable. The advice is that before you go to some kind of exercise in critical zones apply creams with thermal action to increase effect of this preparation (not recommended in people who have expressed capillaries and veins)
Massage critical areas of anti-cellulite preparations, but not so that only apply preparation, but massage it very vigorously.

Take timely in the elimination of cellulite, do not wait until the last five days to prepare for the sea, but be aware that the cellulite condition which needs a longer period in order to resolve and to give the body a well-deserved smoothness and tension-free "orange peel".

utorak, 28. travnja 2015.


Nemoguće je da ne znate za jutarnju erekciju ako ste se bar jednom probudile pored muškarca. To bi valjalo iskoristiti, naročito u ovo vrijeme. Pošto su dani sve topliji, jutarnji seks može biti najbolje riješenje za prijatan seks. Pogledajte koje poze su najbolje za jutro i počnite dan zadovoljni.

Ako ste puni energije ujutro, uradite sami veći dio posla.


U ovoj pozi treba da sjedite u partnerovom krilu opkoračivši ga i da budete okrenuti ka njemu. Ako ste puni energije ujutro, uradite veći dio posla sami dok je on još uvek pospan i polusvjestan toga što ga je snašlo.


Recite mu da samo ostane da leži na leđima, a vi ga opkoračite i sedite na njega, okrenuti njemu leđima. Uhvatite ga za noge i krećite se gore-dole. Pošto mu je i pogled savršen, to će sigurno pamtiti cijelog dana.


Namjestite jastuke i neka se on nasloni na njih leđima i ispruži noge. Raskoračite se i vaginom se oslonite na prostor ispod kolena, a onda se sve vrijeme mazite uz kožu njegovih nogu dok idete ka penisu. Kada dođete do njega, ubacite samo vrh unutra i pravite kružne pokrete. To će ga veoma brzo izludjeti. Čuvajte ovu pozu kao kec u rukavu kad ujutro ne možete da se odbranite, pa završite sve na brzaka.


Lezite na bok, a on neka se pribije uz vaša leđa. Gornju nogu malo podignite, a on neka se spusti i blago savije noge u koljenima kako bi penetracija bila zgodna.


Uzmite jastuk i stavite ga pod zadnjicu dok ležite na leđima i čekate da vam se on pridruži u misionarskoj pozi. Jastuk će omogućiti da njegova pubična regija dođe u kontakt sa vašim klitorisom, zbog čega će vam seks biti još prijatniji.


Sjedite na neku ravnu izdignutu površinu. Neka se on smjesti između vaših nogu, a vi ih podignite na njegova ramena. Ruke mu stavite oko vrata dok prodire u vas. Ova poza vas dovodi u veoma blizak kontakt sa partnerom, a omogućava dosta prostora za dobru penetraciju.


Lezite okrenuti jedno ka drugom i stavite svoje noge između njegovih. Tako ćete biti veoma blizu, a on će prodrjeti duboko. Držite se jedno za drugo i krećite se zajedno. Ova poza je veoma intimna i omogućava maksimalno trenje.


Neka vaš muškarac sjedne u turski položaj na pod i neka se zavali i osloni na ruke. Vi mu priđite sprijeda uvijajući kukovima i polako se spuštajući sve dok mu ne sjednete u krila. Stavite ga u sebe što sporije možete, a posle sami odredite tempo koji vam najviše prija.


Lezite na stomak i blago raširite noge. Neka on legne preko vas stavivši ruke na vaša ramena. Neka prodre u vas gurajući vam zadnjicu malo nagore. Skupljajte i širite noge kako ulazi i izlazi.


It is impossible to know for morning erection if you are at least once awakened next to a man. It would be good to take advantage of, especially at this time. As the days are warmer, morning sex can be the best solution for a pleasant sex. See which poses are best for morning and start the day satisfied.

If you are full of energy in the morning, do most of the work themselves.


In this pose should sit in your partner's lap astride him and to be facing him. If you are full of energy in the morning, do most of the work themselves while he was still sleepy and semiconscious that what hit him.


Tell him to just stay lying on your back, and you straddle and sit on it, turn it back. Me with his legs and move up and down. Since he is and look perfect, it will surely remember the day.


Adjust the pillows and let it backs them back and stretched out his legs. Gaps and vagina rely on the space below the knee, and then all the time pat the skin with his feet while you go to the penis. When you come to it, insert just the tip in and making a circular motion. It will soon go mad. Keep this pose as an ace up his sleeve when the morning you can not defend yourself, and end all in a hurry.


Lie on your side, and let him nestle up to your back. Upper legs a little lift, and he shall be lowered and slightly bent legs at the knees so that penetration was nice.


Take a pillow and put it under your butt while you lie on your back and wait for you to join in on the missionary position. The pillow will allow his pubic region comes in contact with your clitoris, which will be even more enjoyable sex.


Sit on a flat elevated surface. He should be placed between your legs, and you lift them on his shoulders. Put his hands around her neck while penetrating into you. This pose brings you in close contact with a partner, and provides plenty of room for good penetration.


Lie down facing one to the other and put your legs between his. So you will be very close, and he will prodrjeti deep. Hold on to each other and move up. This pose is very intimate and allows maximum friction.


Have your man sit in the Turkish position on the floor and let him lean back and rely on hand. You approach the front twisting his hips and slowly descend until it does not sit in the wings. Put it in yourself as slowly as you can, and then you specify a pace that you like best.


Lie on your stomach and gently spread your legs. Let him lie on you putting your hands on your shoulders. Let penetrate you, pushing you a little ass up. Collect and spread legs in and out.

utorak, 21. travnja 2015.


Osjetljive teme poput seksa znaju vrlo brzo da zabrinu ljude čim nešto krene po zlu. Međutim, postoje seksualni problemi koji su savim normalna pojava.

Seksualni problemi znaju da budu zaista frustrirajući jer je seks izuzetno osetljiva tema. Čim nešto u krevetu krene po zlu, ljudi postaju nervozni, uzrujani i zabrinuti za sebe i svoju vezu. Međutim, postoje situacije u kojima je sasvim očekivano i normalno da dođe do problema tokom seksa. S toga, kako biste izbjegli nepotrebno nerviranje i trošenje svojih živaca, misli i vremena na probleme koji ne postoje, treba da budete svjesni “problema” u krevetu koje treba potpuno ignorisati.

Pornografija i seksualne fantazije

Seksualna terapeutkinja Sari Kuper tvrdi da je sasvim normalno da ljudi imaju seksualne fantazije i da uživaju u pornografiji. Neki ljudi su uvjereni da to može negativno da utiče na njihov život i da mogu da postanu zavisnici. Osim ako nije riječ o nasilju, pedofiliji, silovanju ili prostituciji, Kuperova naglašava da se radi o sasvim normalnim pojavama.

Gubitak erekcije

Heti Batson, autorka tri knjige o starenju, na najbolji mogući način pomaže svojim klijentima da se nose sa nekim strahovima. I sama je imala razna iskustva. Bila je u vezi s muškarcem koji je jednom izgubio erekciju, te mu je bilo poprilično neprijatno i bojao se da se to ne ponovi. Međutim, Heti savjetuje da u takvim situacijama ne treba paničiti. Takve stvari se često dešavaju zbog niskog libida u kombinaciji sa lošim zdravljem, nedostatka samopouzdanja ili straha da će loše odraditi posao u krevetu i ejakulirati prerano. Sve što treba da uradite tada je da porazgovarate sa svojim partnerom i pružite mu podršku.

Seks nakon pijanstva

Penis može da postane mlitav nakon previše alkohola. Ova situacija je uobičajena. Mnoge žene misle da više nisu privlačne kada njihov partner izgubi erekciju, da ih partner vara, da gleda previše pornića i masturbira. Međutim, postoje šanse da nije reč o tome. Popričajte s partnerom pre nego što počnete da dramatizujete.

Nemogućnost postizanja orgazma

Mnoge žene nikad nisu postigle orgazam i uopšte ne znaju kakav je to osjećaj. No, Heti Batson vjeruje da je u pitanju psihički problem, a ne fizička nesposobnost. U tom slučaju žena bi trebalo da potraži pomoć, da se obrati stručnjacima i terapeutima koji joj mogu pomoći da se oslobodi i nauči da uživa, kako u seksu, tako i u samozadovoljavanju.

Mala ili nikakva seksualna želja 

Čest problem kod žena je nezadovoljstvo sopstvenim izgledom i manjak samopouzdanja. To ih dovodi do misli da nisu privlačne i poželjne. Međutim, muškarce baš briga za to. Oni ne uočavaju “nesavršenosti” koje vas opterećuju, već sve na šta misle je veličina njihovog penisa.

Mali penis

Heti Batson smatra da ne treba brinuti zbog malog penisa. Kada muškarac nema dovoljno samopouzdanja u seksu, to može biti veći problem od malog penisa. Ako je muškarac vješt i može da zadovolji partnerku, obično oralno, zar je važna veličina penisa? Batson dodaje i da se muškarci s manjim penisom više trude da zadovolje partnerku.

Takmičenje sa supermodelima

Mislite da vaš partner želi da izgledate poput supermodela u seksi donjem vešu?Ovo važi za neke muškarce, ali većina dok masturbira, zamišlja ono što bi hteli da im partnerka priušti u seksu.

Smeta vam kad partner gleda pornografiju

Muškarci češće imaju jači libido i žele seks češće nego žene. Masturbacija je prirodni način da se doživi seksualno iskustvo koje je drugačije od onog s partnerkom i nema razloga za brigu. Gledanje pornografije postaje problem ukoliko pređe u zavisnost ili kompulzivno ponašanje. Tada treba otvoreno da popričate sa partnerom.

Seks nakon operacije

Heti Batson pomogla je mnogim muškarcima nakon operacije srca. Mnogim pripadnicima jačeg pola je neprijatno da razgovaraju o seksu s doktorima. Bilo je slučajeva i kada je žena operisala kuk i bojala se seksa nakon operacije. U ovakvim slučajevima potrebno je potražiti savet doktora ili terapeuta, ali ne treba brinuti i gubiti vrijeme na strahove.


Sensitive topics like sex know very quickly that worried people as soon as something goes wrong. However, there are sexual problems which are quite normal.

Sexual problems can be really frustrating, because sex is a very sensitive topic. As soon as something in the bed goes wrong, people are getting nervous, upset and concerned about themselves and their relationship. However, there are situations where it is quite normal and natural that a problem occurs during sex. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary frustration and wear their nerves, thoughts and time to problems that do not exist, you should be aware of the "problem" in bed to be completely ignored.

Pornography and sexual fantasies

Sex therapist Sari Cooper argues that it is quite normal for people to have sexual fantasies and enjoy pornography. Some people are convinced that it will have negative impacts on their lives and that they can get addicted. Unless comes to violence, pedophilia, rape or prostitution, Cooper points out that it is a completely normal phenomenon.

The loss of erection

Hattie Batson, author of three books on aging, in the best possible way helps its clients to cope with some fears. I myself had a different experience. She was in a relationship with a guy who once lost his erection, and he was quite embarrassed and afraid that will not happen again. However, Hetty advised that in such situations should not panic. Such things often happen due to low libido, combined with poor health, lack of confidence or fear of bad do the job in bed and ejaculate prematurely. All you need to do then is to talk with your partner and give him support.

Sex after drunkenness

The penis can become limp after too much alcohol. This situation is common. Many women think they are more attractive when their partner loses his erection, that their partner is cheating, you watch too much porn and masturbating. However, there are chances that it is not about that. Talk with your partner before you begin to dramatize.

The inability to achieve orgasm

Many women never achieve orgasm and do not know how it feels. But Hattie Batson believes that it is a psychological problem, not a physical disability. In this case, women should seek help, to turn to the experts and therapists who can help her to get rid of and learn to enjoy, both in sex and in masturbation.

Little or no sexual desire

A common problem in women's dissatisfaction with their own appearance and lack of self-confidence. This leads them to think that they are not attractive and desirable. However, men do not care for it. They do not see "imperfections" that you burdened, but all on what they think is the size of their penis.

A small penis

Hattie Batson believes that one should not worry about the small penis. When a man does not have enough confidence in sex, it can be a bigger problem than a small penis. If the man is skilled and can satisfy your partner, usually orally, is an important penis size? Batson and adds that men with smaller penis more effort to satisfy your partner.

Competition with supermodels

Do you think that your partner wants to look like a supermodel in sexy underwear? This is true for some men, but most while masturbating, imagining what they would like to partner afford to sex.

Does it bother you when partner watches porn

Men tend to have a stronger libido and want sex more often than women. Masturbation is a natural way of experiencing sexual experience that is different from the one with the partner and not to worry. Watching pornography becomes a problem if you take the addiction or compulsive behavior. Then be open to talk with your partner.

Sex after surgery

Hattie Batson has helped many men after heart surgery. Many members of the stronger sex is uncomfortable talking about sex with doctors. There have been cases when a woman is operated hip and she was afraid of sex after surgery. In such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor or therapist, but nothing to worry about and spend time fears.

ponedjeljak, 20. travnja 2015.


Atwerpen je smješten u Flandriji (Nizozemsko-govorno područje Belgije). Antwerpen je elegantan, kulturni grad i drugi po veličini u Belgiji. Zajdeno sa gradovima Bruges i Bruxelles, Antwerpen čini trio velikih belgijskih gradova. Međutim, ako je ovo vaš prvi posjet Belgiji nećete biti razočarani, Antwerpen nudi u izobilju uživanje u finoj umjetnosti, kulturi, mode, pa čak i dijamantima.

Velike luke sjeverozapadne Evrope locirane su u blizini ušća većih ili manjih rijeka. Hamburg   na Elbi, Bremen na Wezeru, Amsterdam na Amstelu, Rotterdam na Maas-u, a Antwerpen na Scheldi. Rijeke se u blizini svojih ušća u more proširuju u takozvane estuarije, i to su najzgodnije lokacije za izgradnju luka.Antwerpen je najveći belgijski lučki grad.

To je i glavni grad belgijskog entiteta Flandrije, centar istoimene provincije. Antwerpen je veliki grad, broji oko pola miliona stanovnika, a metropolitsko područje 1, 2 miliona. U širem smislu grad je poznat kao najveći svjetski centar obrade dijamanata, i kao grad sa velikom jevrejskom populacijom. Antwerpen je poslije Pariza i Londona grad u Zapadnoj Evropi sa najvećim brojem Jevreja. Oni u stvari i drže dijamantski kvart ovog grada.

Kada se prošeta glavnom trgovačkom ulicom ovog grada, ulicom De Meir, shvati se koliko je to bio bogat grad. Da podsjetim da je Belgija imala veliku koloniju Kongo, a Kongo je jako bogat dijamantima. U Antwerpenu se prvi put na svijetu rodila berza (burza), a grad ima izvanredno bogatu trgovačku tradiciju. Prelijepe palate pružaju se sa obje strane ulice Meir, koja spaja stari istorijski centar (Grote Markt) sa Centralnom Stanicom. U prizemlju ovih palata, čije su fasade bogate skulpturama i ukrasima, nalaze se veoma ukusne i velike prodavnice tekstila. Antwerpen je raj za shoping, i po tome je daleko ispred holandskih velikih gradova. Atwerpen je poznat po modnim kucama, i Modnoj Akademiji.

Grad ima veoma široke avenije, parkove, a veoma je poznat antwerpenski ZOO. Stari grad se odlikuje izvanredno koloritnom flandrijskom arhitekturom.Sama Centralna stanica je arhitektonski spomenik za sebe. Antwerpen je i grad čuvenog flandrijskog slikara Rubensa.

U gradu je tridesetih godina napravljen prvi veliki neboder u Evropi. Neboder visok 97 metara dominira centrom grada, i iako je za današnje prilike poprilično ružan, on je postao jedan od simbola grada. Zovu ga Boerentoren (Seljački toranj), Bilo je čak inicijativa da se oblakoder sruši. U gradu postoji ipak veća građevina od ovoga tornja, a to je toranj katedrale Onze Lieve Vrouw. Ovaj toranj prelijepe crkve u starom centru visok je 130 metara. Crkva je od nebodera udaljena 123 metra, koliko iznosi i visina crkvenog tornja.

U Antwerpenu se govori holandski (flandrijski naglasak), a postoje velike grupe koje govore turski, arapski, hebrejski, francuski. Vecina stanovnika su po religiji katolici,. Ima veoma veliki broj crkvi, a i sinagoga.

Odaberite ga obavezno kao jedan od Vaših izleta i upoznajte sve najbolje od Antwerpen. Antwerpen je rodni grad klasičnih slikara kao što su Rubens i Van Dyck i djela tih baroknih umjetnika mogu se vidjeti u Kraljevskom muteju Fine umjetnosti. Obožavatelji Rubensa mogu posjetiti njegovu kuću koja je obnovljena.

Antwerpen je svijetski grad dijamanata. 85% svjetskih dijamanata su obrađeni baš u ovom gradu. Posjetite muzej dijamanata i uživajte u ovim jedinstvanim draguljima. Ljubitelji mode doći će na svoje u samom centru grada koji vrvi od butika.

Nemojte napustiti ovaj grad ako ne kušate belgijsko pivo, i i za suvenir kupiti jednu od mnogobrojnih finih belgijskih čokolada.


Atwerpen is located in Flanders (Dutch-speaking region of Belgium). Antwerp is an elegant, cultural city and the second largest in Belgium. Trials together with the cities of Bruges and Brussels, Antwerp makes a trio of major Belgian cities. However, if this is your first visit to Belgium will not be disappointed, Antwerp offers plenty to enjoy in the fine arts, culture, fashion, and even diamonds.

Large ports of northwestern Europe are located near the mouths of larger or smaller rivers. Hamburg on the Elbe, Bremen on Wezer, Amsterdam Amstel, Rotterdam at the Maas-in, and Antwerp on the Schelde. River near its confluence with the sea extend the so-called estuaries, and these are the most convenient locations for the construction luka.Antwerpen is the largest Belgian port city.

It is also the capital of the Belgian entities of Flanders, center of Kerman province. Antwerp is a great city, has about half a million people, and the metropolitan area of ​​1, 2 million. In a broader sense, the city is known as the world's largest diamond processing center, and as a city with a large Jewish population. Antwerp after Paris and London city in Western Europe with the largest number of Jews. They in fact hold the diamond district of the city.

When you walk in the main shopping street of the city, street De Meir, understand how it was a rich town. To remind that Belgium had a large colony of Congo and Congo is very rich in diamonds. In Antwerp the first time in the world was born stock market (stock exchange), and the city has a remarkably rich trading tradition. Beautiful palaces are provided on both sides of the street Meir, which connects the old historic center (Grote Markt) to the central station. On the ground floor of the palace, whose facade rich sculptures and ornaments, are very tasty and large textile shop. Antwerp is a paradise for shopping, and it is far ahead of the Netherlands' major cities. Atwerpen is famous for its fashion houses, and the Fashion Academy.

The city has a very wide avenues, parks, and it is very famous Antwerp Zoo. The old town is distinguished by its coloring Flanders arhitekturom.Central station is an architectural monument for himself. Antwerp is a city famous Flemish painter Rubens.

The city is the thirties made the first major skyscraper in Europe. Skyscraper high 97 meters dominates the city center, and although it is today, it is quite ugly, he became one of the symbols of the city. They call it Boerentoren (Rural Tower), and there were also initiatives to skyscraper collapses. In the city there are still major building of this tower, which is the cathedral tower Onze Lieve Vrouw. This tower beautiful church in the old town is 130 meters high. The church is of a skyscraper 123 meters away, which is the height of the church tower.

In Antwerp Dutch-speaking (Flemish accent), and there are large groups that speak Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew, French. Most of the inhabitants are Catholic by religion ,. It has a very large number of churches, and synagogues.

Select it mandatory as one of your trips and get to know all the best of Antwerp. Antwerp is the hometown of classical painters such as Rubens and Van Dyck, and works of these Baroque artists can be seen at the Royal Fine Arts muteju. Rubens Fans can visit his house which has been restored.

Antwerp is the world's diamonds city. 85% of the world's diamonds are processed exactly in this city. Visit the Museum of diamonds and enjoy these jewels, unique. Fashionistas will enjoy in the city center which is full of boutiques.

Do not leave this town if you do not taste the Belgian beer, i for a souvenir to buy one of the many fine Belgian chocolate.